








Starting from me (on the far right), athletes Takeshi Sasaki and Kentaro Ida; coaches Kazuyuki Yamamoto, Yusuke Kanamaru, and Minoru Konegawa; and on the left is strength & conditioning coach, Hiroshi Inomata.

















The Women's Strengthening Team helped out too! (Photo courtesy of AJJF)





Thank you to everyone who made donations for this cause. (Photo courtesy of AJJF)





Raising Donation Money



The other day, at the judokan in Saitama where the All Japan Junior Championships were held, 

we raised donation money for the restoration of the areas affected by Typhoon Jebi and the Hokkaido earthquake.



A lot of people came to help us out.



The contributions will be sent to the affected areas via the All Japan Judo Federation.

Thank you to everyone who came out.