Iran's Nuclear Program | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

Iran's Nuclear Program

[Iran's Nuclear Program]
22. Apr. 2018.
The USA should keep their international promise. The mightiest state in the world criticizes often other states and judges them as ‘rogue states’ and/or as belonging to the ‘axis of evil’. But the USA itself would become to a rogue state and to a belonging to the axis of evil if they would break the promising between Iran and Western countries.

#USA #Iran #DonaldTRUMP #NuclearProgram #NuclearDeal #NuclearWeapon #RogueState #AxisOfEvil #MiddleEastConflict #MiddleEastPeace
Trump administration: 'It will not be very pleasant,' Iran warns, if Trump sabotages nuclear deal
(The Guardian)
As U.S., North Korea plan to meet, Iran warns against Trump deals