Tokyo Olympics 2020 | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

Tokyo Olympics 2020

[Tokyo Olympics 2020]



Sports fans all over the world! Don't watch any TV-program of the Tokyo Olympics 2020! Don't visit Japan during the Tokyo Olympics 2020!


A young construction manager (construction supervisor) of Olympic Stadium, who recently graduated a university, was forced 193 hours overtime work in only one month, was therefore destroyed his psychological-mental normality and on the spring 2017, killed himself. The Japanese Government and the Japanese Olympic Committee would like to continue such throwaway of human, in other words, they want still to use out and discard human.


If you would watch a TV-program related to the Tokyo Olympics 2020 and/or visit Japan on summer 2020 it means that you become to an accomplice of murders.


#Olympics #OlympicGames #Olympics2020 #OlympicGames2020 #OlympicsTokyo #OlympicGamesTokyo #OlympicsTokyo2020 #Olympics2020Tokyo


東京五輪ボランティア条件に「ブラック」「やりがい搾取」と批判殺到! 過労死も出した東京五輪“滅私奉公”体質

(News article in Japanese)