Olympics 2020 in Tokyo and Forest Destruction | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

Olympics 2020 in Tokyo and Forest Destruction

Hidy's comment to the news article

'Japan urged to stop using deforestation-linked wood for Kengo Kuma's Olympic stadium'



I'm Japanese and living in Tokyo.


It's difficult to stop a series of injustice being done under the nominal reason 'for the success of Olympic Games', because in the both Houses (Shūgi'in = House of Representatives and Sangi'in = House of Councillors) of Kokkai (National Diet) as well as in the Tokyo-To-Gikai (Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly = prefectural parliament of Tokyo) the political parties' pro Olympics are majority, who are not serious about sports and culture but take the Olympic Games as the instrument to collect money.


Since the beginning I was contra the Olympic Games in Tokyo. This news article makes me much more against the event. I can do not so much. At least I don't buy any Olympic goods. I don't watch any Olympic special show on TV (with the exception of the TV programs, in which the issue of problems and injustice around the Olympic Games are addressed). At each election, I vote the candidate, who addresses the issue of the problems and injustice around the Olympic Games.


