利川お祭り4 | Beloved 賢重

Beloved 賢重

SS501のリ-ダ- キム・ヒョンジュンに癒される日々


240907 이천 부발읍 달집축제 - 김현중

소개가 너무 거창하다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
#김현중 #KIMHYUNJOONG pic.twitter.com/CaZ4eK2xR4

— 하루 (@harukhj) September 7, 2024 ">

Hyun Joong was initially standing at the back and then they put more chairs at the front row and he sat down with all the dignitaries #kimhyunjoong #김현중 #IcheonFestival pic.twitter.com/GcmyRb5w1x

— SP (@illublue) September 7, 2024 ">

#Repost @pigmypaula
ติ่งท่านนึง ชะ ชะ ช่า ชะ ชะ ช่า 🤣🤣
