Sometimes I feel myself like a scarecrow.

It's so simple: be like others.

But isn't it too boring?

I'm trying to stay positive but today I feel bad.

Tired. I think I need to get some rest ...

Well, yeah, I'm not a robot,

I feel all this pressure and from time to time I want to run away from it.

Such moment of weak is just a minute.

Making money,studio,writing a book,self-education - this all makes me happy.

I know what I want and I go right on my way.

But sometimes ... sometimes

I feel that I need a hug. Just a hug.


ミラちゃん ...あんぱんまん
I wanted to eat something yummy so after training

I went to the French restaurant.

No matter that it's almost 11 p.m.

Sitting here with my computer and delicious dessert, Mmmm life is soooo good

Not always everything is perfect but the main is be able smile whatever happens.

Only then life smiles back.


What's the hardest thing on the way to achieve dreams?

Yes, it's to keep on trying. Sometimes, when you failed again and again,

you start to think that choosed the wrong way.

Do not! Never think that the way your heart choosed is wrong.

Never allow yourself to doubt.

Don't give up because it's hard.

Just move on, keep on going, keep on trying. Never stop.

I promised to myself that I will never give up.

That's why I'm still here, on my way to make the world better place.

And no matter how many time I fail, I will rise again.

Because it's me.

And because it's my dream.

#dream #flow #blow #hand #nature #park #tree #happy


ミラちゃん ...あんぱんまん