ベストのマインドの取り戻し方 | khadejah0207のブログ



Most Successful Way to Get Mind Back 



Do you want to say:


“I acknowledge that everything spirits of the dead influenced me to do and say and think (**and write, and create, and choose, and want, and look at and feel emotionally) were not myself and, according to their terms of taking and keeping, which require a living person to believe that everything they did was themselves, now that I acknowledge that it wasn’t, everything they stole from me that way must be returned.”


Please say “yes” to this question.

Try hard to say “yes” without any excuses not to.


** Please add more things to get everything back.  

Be careful with getting movements back, like dancing, sports, etc. so that you don’t fall down suddenly.  If you want that back, lie down and make someone aware that you might not be able to get up until you regain strength.











Revised 6/4/2022