
It goes without saying that growing plants require good soil.



When I reserhed how to grow plants, it said stuff like “use soil with good drainage and permeability”and “add this amount of akadama-tsuchi (volcanic-ash soil).” But I was lay, so I just bought the pre-mixed soil for “flowers and vegetables” that they sell at the garden shop and put pumi stones in my growing containers. Sometimes I owuld also 

stick a tube od slow -release plant food into the soil. 



Right ater I bought it, the soil was fluffy and the plants I grew in it seemed happy. But after a year or two, it started 

getting hard and i felt like the water could no longer penetrate all the way through. 



I knew that soil loses nutrients as it gets older, so I tried replacing half o it with fresh soil. But for some reason, the 

soil hardened quickly and turned white. 

I thought, “Hmm, that’s strange…maybe it’s not just the soil.” Then it hit me—it was the water!


Bacj then, I often gave my plants the water I used to rinse rice. It has nutrients in it, so I thought I was killing two 

birds with one stone by giving them that and saving water at the same time. I also heard that the water used to rinse

out milk cartons was efective on aphids, so I thought , “Oh, perfect, I’ll shower them with that, too



Its true that rice water and milk hae nutrienets in them. But if you give your plants that stuff every day, it can trigger 
 a fermentation process in the soil that uses up the nitrogen needed by the plants. And the proteins in rice and milk 

can cause the soil to harden and create problems with pests and mold. 

It seems that it's better to dilute such water and only apply it to the plants onec a week or so. 


But I have another confession to make. I would even give the plants our used bathwater sometimes. I looked it up,

 and it doesn’t seem too harmful although it wasn’t recommended because it can have a lot of multiplying microorganisms in it.


When I think about it, I don’t want to drink old water, either. And if I drank that, I might get sick. We can’t just say, “Oh, they’re just plants, they’ll be alright.” It’s quite the opposite: water is life to plants, so we have to think carefully about what we give them.

I feel like telling my plants, “I’m sorry.”


Even after moving to the U.S., we made a mistake with soil. We used some soil that we dug from the woods, but for some reason it was gray and had a lot of charcoal mixed in. We removed the big pieces of charcoal, of course, and we thought the little ones would be fine, but almost none of the seeds we planted grew…





Plants are more sensitive than we thought.


My husband goes into  soil in more detail in this video, so please check it out!