"Book Synopsis : The Mazda Miata is one of the most popular sports cars on the road today. In production for more than 20 years, the Miata&#8217s popularity has grown, and the number of aftermarket components available to the Miata enthusiast has grown, too. This immense selection of parts has made it difficult for many would-be modifiers to choose the proper combination that will help them reach the goals they have set for their two-seaters.&nbspAuthor and Miata expert Keith Tanner has been modifying, repairing, building, and racing Miatas for years, and he will guide you through how to best modify your car to suit your needs, starting with an explanation on how everything works and how the various parts will interact. You'll not only learn what upgrades will help you reach your goals, but also how to adjust or modify what you have to make your car work at its best. From autocross to cross-country touring, the Miata can do it all. Keith Tanner tells you how to make it happen!

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