The Guardian の記事からの引用です。


Authorities in Nigeria have warned of the potential for flooding in 11 states after neighbouring Cameroon said it would start regulated releases from its Lagdo dam following recent heavy rainfall in west and central Africa.


Umar Mohammed, the director-general of the Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NHSA), indicated that the discharges would be gradual “to avoid … triggering substantial flooding downstream in Nigeria” and that there was “no need for alarm”. Still, 11 Nigerian states from north to south lie along the Benue River’s flow trajectory and are expected to be affected to some degree.


今回取り上げる単語は trajectory /trəˈdʒek.tɚ.i/ です。この単語の意味は「軌道」「軌跡」とです。


Cambridge Dictionary では “the curved path that an object follows after it has been thrown or shot into the air” と定義されています。


LDOCE では “technical the curved path of an object that has been fired or thrown through the air”と定義されています。語源に関しては trajectory (1600-1700) Modern Latin trajectoria, from Latin trajectus, past participle of traicere “to cause to cross”, from trans- ( → TRANS-) + jacere “to throw”  と記載されています。(hick)