Smiles at the Hospital | 六月の虫のブログ



I had an operation for inguinal hernia on the past Friday. The operation itself wasn't painful at all. I was anesthetized locally the bottom half of my body and I was put to sleep by a sleeping drug. When I left the operation room, a nurse woke me up and asked me to say something. I said "ni hao" (hello in Chines) with a firm voice. The nurse and my wife smiled.

When they brought me back to my room, I was well enough to take a selfie.


I looked very bad but I felt very good then while the local anesthesia was working. After that it became a totally different story, though.

Before the operation my doctor drew a circle on my left hand. It didn't look good, so I added some drawing in the circle.

Two young nerses were talking about the drawing on my left hand while preparing for drips for me. When I looked at them, one of them asked me who had drawn "Mr. Smile". I told them that I did. They smiled and said "it's very cute!"


I am home now. It is a little painful to walk. I can smile but it is very painful to laugh or speak loud. I was excited when the Cubs won today, but I tried to be quiet.