kyoto day 1 | 湊ジュリアナ オフィシャルブログ「Lovely Days」Powered by Ameba

kyoto day 1


I went to Kyoto two days before my talk show with the make up artist Hamada Masaru.
I was impressed how Kyoto station was huge!!! They had everything! Everything we have in tokyo, the restaurants and a huge variety of stores. I was amazed!
And I was super happy to see my posters and flyers everywhere at the station!






I came to kyoto for a shooting by car from osaka few times but i never got to explore it so I was super happy ! A friend of mine was in Kyoto so we went to see the most famous place in Kyoyo : Kinnkakuji
It was amazingly beautiful!!! I was prettier than the photos Ive seen before!!! Now I understand why is the most visited spot in kyoto and why people from all over the world come to see this!


I know this place by photos since i was a little girl so it was unreal! I want to do a shooting in here! I want to come with my parents next time!
I travel to many different countries by myself but this place definitely made me want to travel more inside of Japan.
You can see beauty everywhere. Look as this tree. Beautiful asiatic view! I dont think you can find anything like this anywhere. So dramatic with lot of history.

After Kinkakuji, we went to tikurinnomichi.


I found this place at the guide book and I definitely had to go check out!
I didnt think that I would find that many bamboos at that place. I was thinking to count it one by one but that is impossible! The tall and green beautiful bamboo road looked endless ! Apparently on April and May is a perfect season to go visit the place but still was really beautiful! Ive never seen anything like this before! So calm and peaceful!

After taking a break, we went to get some tea.

Later on we were walking in the city looking for somewhere nice to eat.
I was surprised how in some of the restaurants, normal customers like me are not allowed to get in. I heard of it before but i didn't really believe it but i guess its true lol
They only accept the same customers. That is very interesting. I looked for geishas but I couldnt find them.

I definitely want to travel more inside of Japan!

Juliana Minato キスマーク

Instagram: julianaminato