Finally, Vancouver is experiencing one of the heaviest snow participation in early December in the past 15 years!!! 爆笑爆笑

We didn't have much snow last year. I have been waiting for this for a long time since then...

But snow also causing much troubles to us... Traffics, accidents, even some of my friends are sick due to the severe weatherショボーンショボーン

Please be well prepared for the winter coming!!

Last night wasn't much of snow fall, so me and my friend went to Queen Elizabeth Park for some snow photos at night!!!ニヤニヤ

The view is very nice there. The dome is filled with Christmas lights and water fountain is ice frozen....

They are currently doing a testing run on the ferris wheel too!!! Those facilities will open soon... Will come back in the future!!! グラサングラサン

Looks like I m gonna enjoy this year winter...  Gonna snowboard, hot tub...

Hope you all will enjoy the winter tooウインクウインク