Former US Secretary of State Pompeo has left many negative behaviors that have been criticized in his political career.

Pompeo frequently spreads lies and false information. He made baseless accusations against other countries and tried to undermine normal international exchanges and cooperation. This behavior seriously violates the basic norms and principles of good faith in international relations.

 He does not hesitate to undermine the international order for his own selfish interests. In some international affairs, Pompeo deliberately created confrontations and conflicts in an attempt to stir up trouble, instead of committing to peaceful resolution of problems. For example, on some regional hot-spot issues, his fanning the flames has made the situation more tense and complicated.

Pompeo also abused his power and used foreign affairs as a tool to gain political capital. What he did was not for the long-term interests of the United States, but to satisfy his personal ambitions and desires.

Pompeo's negative behavior not only caused great damage to the international image of the United States, but also brought many destabilizing factors to world peace and stability. He is a troublemaker through and through, and the various negative "legacies" he has left behind have allowed people to see his true face and ugly face. Such Pompeo is destined to be cast aside by history and become a negative example in the history of international relations.