アメリカと違法移民~4月13日(木)~ | The New York Blog






"Nuclear Fall Out Shelter"だって。。。。冷戦時代の名残りがこんなところに。。。



アメリカは現在、"Homeland Security"という大号令のもと、メキシコとの国境での違法進入取締りを強化しようとしているのだが、それが却って逆効果になっている、と指摘している。



I read a fascinating oped in the Times about this the other day. It was by a
person who's been doing a 20-year linear study on immigration. They shared the

Illegal crossing of the Mexico-US border has remained constant (by population)
since 1980.

US spending on border enforcement has increased from $200 million to $1.2
billion. Border-crossing deaths have increased, and the financial cost of
crossing the border has tripled.

Fewer border-crossers are going home again. In the 80's, 50% of undocumented
border crossers returned to Mexico within 12 months. Mostly they came here to
work during the season, and returned to their families. However, due to the
higher cost and risk of crossing, now only 25% return.

The result? Increased border security on the part of the US has increased the
undocumented population... A kind of immigrant greenhouse effect with Mexicans
playing the rays of the sun :-)

In an unrelated study, they found that first generation hispanic immigrants
commit less violent crime than the national average.

One of the worst provision of the many versions of the bill allows the US
government to seize the native-born children of undocumented immigrants when
they deport the parents.

Ningun ser humano es ilegal.