Yang Na Shuang: You Tencent video friends Hello everyone, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance. Why the New Year, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Huijia next year. As the first batch of private schools in China, as well as the first IB school in China and the first full IB school in China (from kindergarten to high school), Huijia has taken the first place. Over the past 25 years, we have trained a total of 17 IB graduates, about 2,000 people, all over the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, and many elite European countries elite. They have a very good reputation for the Huijia students who are about to go to the world PolyU is devoted to offering top health and social sciences programme and top humanities programme. PolyU Optometry takes pride in being the unique undergraduate degree programme in Hong Kong..


  We have students who have just taken Admissions at the University of Leicester in the UK and the University of Manchester, where they gave the offer to our students when they applied for up to three days in two days. Description In a long history of the school, their good performance brothers and sisters will benefit their brothers, teachers and students. If you choose a school, especially high school in order to go abroad, the school's past application history, including the whereabouts of graduates, this is very crucial. If it is relatively new, overseas universities do not know it, it is very hard for your children to go all out.



  According to the Ministry of Education, the total number of Chinese students who went to the United States last year exceeded 130,000 people, so much pressure for competition. However, there is no increase in the number of undergraduates enrolled in Chinese student universities in the United States. Therefore, competition in the denominator will increase dramatically with no increase in numerator. If your school is a well-known university in a foreign university, we call the target school. Such a school is bound to give your child and his application a great deal of weight. They know what class you are on, how many points your school scores averagely, what level of school they will meet, and he will be able to take you smoothly. That is what I want to say. History is crucial for school choice, After all, is the process by which the posterity of our predecessors planted trees.



  The whole IB education is going on. IB is a 3-18-year-old education process. It has 10 major training objectives. It is necessary to cultivate people with reflection, people with communication skills, caring people, people who care about others, Throughout the 25 years of training, the child's interdisciplinary capabilities, international vision, holistic education practice, it will be easier to connect. Especially as IB High School, it is the hardest and most challenging high school course in the world, and our children will have a very good future if they are well connected. 17 years, we have a student on the University of Chicago Department of Economics, he kindergarten in Huijia, until the third year of graduation. In the 25 years that followed, there was a very coherent and internationalized training process, competing for a place under the competition of 56 students at the University of Chicago .



  Tencent abroad: Do you know that in fact many parents in China, he chose to let children learn international courses or children to international schools, worried about children in the country to face too much academic pressure. Now we look into international schools is not so easy, what are the challenges in international schools?



  Yang Na Shuang: For non-international school students that is the college entrance examination, although three years time there are questions of the sea tactics, it can be said that especially in the core cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, including Xi'an, Chengdu, the largest intellectual competition now Not test Tsinghua University Peking University, but on the Harvard, Yale, Stanford this best foreign university. Therefore, in fact, if you go to a foreign university this way, it does not mean that you avoid the highly competitive mechanism. Instead, you are caught in this mechanism. There are a lot of classmates at the upper part of North China University. There are at least a few thousand people a session, and we have thousands of opportunities. For overseas students, Harvard University can recruit a maximum of 9 students a year in China. The proportion of numerator and denominator How old



  Second, if you want to apply for a foreign university, not only should you study it well, you should have a good command of both numeracy and numeracy. However, on the other hand, you should take one more TOEFL and SAT exams as well as an AP test , IB course exams, in fact, I think the exam pressure more than college entrance examination, which is the second point.



  Third, the light scene is not enough, you have to have a wealth of experience in participating in international competitions, community participation, art, sports, music and art. It is a very complete development. It can not be a nerd, especially a well-known foreign university. Do you like reading, how many books have you read, and what has been the most influential book for you? What is your book logic? In extracurricular also read a lot of extracurricular books. The college entrance examination is an exercise finished, but he needs to read history, politics, economics, psychology extracurricular books, students want to apply for overseas elite pressure is far greater than the college entrance examination, but the words on both sides .



  There are some in the country have partial subjects, I am very good mathematical and physical, may be in English, language almost, or my liberal arts is better, science almost point, the upper and lower a pull points out relatively large. After all, we have relatively few universities in China, and the number of Chinese universities is about one-third of the total number of universities in the United States. In the choice of many schools above, I think I want to be a relative school, not a top school, I have a little more subjects, not adapted to public education, he went to choose an international school will be his psychological and pressure will be smaller After all, foreign countries belong to balanced education, but it belongs to long-term education. What is your advantage? You are making every effort to develop it. Your weakness can be as long as you can master it. China belongs to supplementing short-type education. You have to be almost the same. If you have short words, you have to pull them up. Is a painful passive. This is the difference between international education. Choosing International Religion has chosen a more relaxed, simpler and stress-free environment. I think this concept is wrong .