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内涵粗话脏话请大家相信本人依然是纯洁幼齿M一枚[你丫骗谁啊你= =+]








“矮个女孩能肆无忌惮的穿高跟鞋,就像老婆这样,老公也大爱老婆穿高跟鞋,高跟鞋既能拉长腿型也能使老婆看起来更优雅和美丽,最关键一点是,老婆穿了高跟鞋还是比我矮……”哥哥哟...亲娘哟,敢问您老这是夸你可爱的老婆呢还是贬你可爱的老婆呢?是夸她长得够矮连穿了高跟鞋都没你高好呢,还是贬她穿了高跟鞋还没你高?所以怎么读我只觉得你是再贬之呢...= =+









Boy Friend,











Diaz and DiCaprio Take Love Offscreen
17 December 2002 | WENN | See recent WENN news »

Gangs Of New York co-stars Cameron Diaz and Leonardo DiCaprio have been spotted in a intimate clinch - sparking rumors their on- screen romance may have become real. The sexy stars were at a New York nightspot last week after attending the premiere of Baz Luhrmann's Broadway production La Boheme. And the pair appeared to be getting very close indeed, according to gossip website Peoplenews.Com. An onlooker says, "Cameron seemed mesmerized by Leo, She was stroking his baseball cap, stroking the hair on the back of his neck. She had her hands all over his head. They were bumping and grinding. She was giving him that sensual, playful, coy look . . . I would think there was something going on between them." The news will come as a shock to Diaz's long-term boyfriend Fight Club star Jared Leto, who has dated the gorgeous actress for the last two years. DiCaprio recently split from his long-term love supermodel Gisele Bundchen. »

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Jared Leto's Work Goes To His Head
30 April 2002 | WENN | See recent WENN news »

Hollywood heart-throb Jared Leto has played so many intense characters they're starting to haunt his home life. Leto has starred in controversial films like Fight Club, American Psycho and Requiem For A Dream, and playing extreme people has finally taken its toll on him. The Panic Room star now has recurring dreams featuring his sudden destruction. He explains, "Freak accidents. Like getting shot by a machine gun or bitten in the head by a great white shark. Blown to bits by a bomb. Swallowed by giant snakes. Very weird stuff. I tell you, I'm going to take a break from acting. I'm taking a road trip. A nice, long life-reassessing road trip." »


Cameron's Cave Man
19 February 2002 | WENN | See recent WENN news »

Cameron Diaz won't have to spend a fortune on a dream home for her wacky boyfriend Jared Leto - he wants them to live in a cave. The reclusive Leto admits he has started to give up eating out because he prefers to stay away from crowds, and he'd happily give up his home comforts tomorrow if he could find a perfect cave. He says, "I would prefer living in a cave, with a door. Maybe a giant Hobbit cave, with furry rugs. Something really cozy, with a fireplace - something you could stay in for six to 15 months at a time." Leto also has some strange ideas about his funeral, insisting it will be a cheap, low-key affair in his favorite forest. He adds, "I want to be taken into the middle of the forest and have a hole dug in the fresh dirt and have my naked, freshly dead corpse tossed into the ground with a light layer of dirt spread over it. The animals could come and just kind of gnaw away at me." »


Jared had the tables turned on him though in Alexander. Poor Jared had to endure gorgeous Colin getting it on with just about everyone - except him! While Alexander has manic rumpy-pumpy with his barbarian queen wife, poor Hephaistion is forced to look on with frustration. Even the eunuch Bagaos, played by the very beautiful ballet dancer Francisco Bosch, manages to get his end away with the Great one. Is there no justice in this world? Still if you’re into voyeurism you could do a lot worse.

On the lack of gay sex between him and Colin, Jared has said: "If there had been, it would be the best man-on-man sex you've ever seen." Well, thanks to killjoy Oliver Stone, and with little hope of a sequel, we'll never know, but we can always imagine – and hope the DVD’s a little more revealing.
