醍醐味(^_^)v | hushhushnowのブログ



Pride can sometimes hurt people, right ?

In Japanese, pride and 誇り have slightly different nuances

My pride is never to forgive the unforgivable
And to stick to that spirit no matter what
Because there is no change what I believe in

People have different ways of thinking, so some people may be able to forgive such things, but that's also correct
Because there are various people, it is natural for them to have different ways of thinking

We feels like what we believe is normal, so  we sometimes or always want to criticize it

But if we think of it as a good opportunity to look at ourself again, we can continue to grow until we die

I wonder if the real pleasure of being born as a human being is that I can continue to grow until I die

When I listen to humor when I'm sad, it makes me sad

The fun of life changes depending on the position I'm placed in, but I'll win in life if I find the fun and enjoy it every moment as much as possible(^_^)v

I don't want to end after working hard, suffering, and enduring
I just want to end my life with smile simply

That's my ideal life
あくまで理想でござるよ (・∀・)

If I had to say it, I wouldn't work hard for that・・・for that too かな?