絵に説明はいらないと思っております。見る人が好きなように、自由に、楽しんでいただければ、artは |   心のサプリ (絵のある生活) 

  心のサプリ (絵のある生活) 

絵のある生活 を 広めたいです !!!





題名「起源へのroad 」  OiL        music= Alice Coltrane - Turiya And Ramakrishna












Since I was a child, I have dreamed of becoming a cartoonist. Although it was a long way around, there was also postponement and parental care, finally, now I have time to draw as much painting as I want. I think that art has no age. I personally think that there is no boundary line between manga and painting. After retirement, I am self-taught but I am looking for my own painting.

I will aim for fusion of manga and painting.

It is, as it were, drawing, it is fun.

I will do my best to draw my own picture. ^ ^

I do not think that explanation is necessary in the picture. As you like the viewer, if you enjoy it freely, is art more and more imagination will not swell up?

Title "road to origin" OiL music = Alice Coltrane - Turiya And Ramakrishna
