TO Fuku-chan | ハワイの水着HONEY GIRL:サーフィンのための水着ブランド

TO Fuku-chan

メンタワイ隊長のカービーがブログで私に お礼のメッセージをくれました。

Hi Fuku-chan (Kirby),

I was wondering why I had so many page views yesterday and found out you wrote about how late I get up everyday on your blog!

Oh my GOD, I need to thank YOU for giving me this amazing opportunity to go on that Mentawai boat trip. I had to think may be three times before I made up my mind but it was so much more than what I thought it was going to be and gave me back so much more than what I paid for.

Thank you for organizing this trip and being in charge the whole time, thank you for taking all the photos, thank you for all the sashimis and for all the good time! Everyone knows how early you got up to surf so you could take photos when everyone else was up and surfing.

I had the waves of my life, I got to meet such great people, got to see all that beauty that the nature has to offer, which made me cry so many times, and most of all, I got to play the "richman poorman" as many times as I had played before coming to the boat trip!

Now I know why everyone goes to Mentawai and I would definitely go again. See you soon may be in Japan?? I'll be waiting with your best friend Jack-san.


P.S. Okay, I don't like waking up too early, but I don't get up at 10am!! I get up at 7:30, take about an hour to fully be up, need that time for the caffeine to kick in, have to take s**t, check waves, then it's usually like 10am when I'm really ready to go surf... you call all that excuses right? I know because they are.




あなたがいなかったら私がメンタワイへ行くこともなかったし、お礼を言わなければならないのは私のほうです! 誘われてから行くって決めるまでにかなり悩んだけど、お金には代えられないプライスレスな旅になりました。




P.S. 確かに早起きは嫌いだけど、10時に起きてはないよ!大体7時半におきるでしょ。でもちゃんと目覚めるのに1時間はかかるわけ。そんでコーヒーも飲まないといけないし、トイレもいかなきゃなんないし、波チェックもしなきゃなんないし、そうこうしてるうちにサーフィン行くころには10時くらいになっちゃうんだよね~。って、言い訳にしか聞こえないって?間違いないね。いいわけだね(・ε・)