Chapter 4

Data and Discussion

Japanese Government’s Response to the Demands of Economic Giants
Up until Chapter 2 on Related Literature, my focus had primarily been on confirming the facts surrounding the new coronavirus pandemic and vaccination, relying on the research of Dr. Fukushima, professor emeritus of Kyoto University. However, at that juncture, I shifted my perspective slightly from a purely medical standpoint. I aimed to investigate deeper into the discussion presented in the preceding chapters, with a particular emphasis on the perspective of international relations studies, which I considered to be the most crucial aspect of my research.
During this phase of analysis, my attention was directed towards conducting a critical examination of the Japanese government's response to the demands of major economic organizations. When considering economic giants, entities such as the World Economic Forum came to mind.

What is the World Economic Forum (WEF)?
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental organization for public-private sector cooperation founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab and based in Kölny, Canton Geneva, Switzerland. The WEF's mission is to bring together leaders from business, politics, academia, and other societies to contribute to improving the state of the world. Its activities are focused on shaping global, regional and industry challenges and providing solutions. (Lobby Facts, 2021)
WEF is funded by 1,000 member multinational corporations. At the end of January every year, the famous annual general meeting is held in Davos, Switzerland. The conference brings together approximately 3,000 paid members and selected participants from around the world, and features more than 500 sessions to discuss global issues. Topics include climate change, energy, trade, technological innovation, geopolitical tensions, global health issues, and more. (Platform, 2021)
WEF also holds various regional conferences throughout the year to highlight regional challenges and opportunities. These meetings bring together local leaders and stakeholders to discuss problem-solving efforts and foster collective action. On the other hand, the WEF has been criticized in the past. These include allegations that what should be a democratic institution is controlled by multinational corporations, a lack of organizational transparency and decision-making processes, and the environmental impact of annual general meetings. Some critics argue that the WEF's activities represent the interests of the business community and elites.
However, the WEF plays an important role as a forum for international dialogue and cooperation, providing a platform for addressing global issues. Its activities contribute to economic, political, and social transformation around the world through the concepts of global reset and global redesign. The WEF promotes initiatives that bring together various stakeholders to build a sustainable future and seeks new solutions to address global challenges. (Platform, 2021)
The 2017 WEF in Davos attracted attention as it was the first time a Chinese head of state attended. Against this backdrop of Brexit, the rise of a protectionist US government, and pressure on free trade areas and agreements, Xi Jinping defended his global economic vision and portrayed China as a leader on environmental issues. He also slammed tariffs and protectionism, warning that they could increase isolation and reduce economic opportunity.
In 2018, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his first keynote address at Davos. Prime Minister Modi identified global warming, terrorism and protectionism as major global challenges and called for collective efforts to address them.
In 2019, Brazilian President Bolsonaro delivered his first keynote address in Davos. He emphasized the compatibility between populist policies and liberal economic policies, and emphasized that Brazil is a leader in environmental protection. He also cited the risks of extreme weather events and climate change and highlighted efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda.
The 2021 WEF was scheduled to be held in Singapore, but was canceled due to the pandemic and postponed to 2022. Topics at the 2022 annual meeting included Russia's invasion of Ukraine, climate change, energy insecurity, and inflation. President Zelenskiy of Ukraine gave a special speech and called for support from the international community. The 2023 Annual Meeting was held under the theme "Cooperation in a divided world".

Statements by key participants in recent WEF events, etc.
Elton Musk focused on climate change and the Fourth Industrial Revolution and laid out his vision for a sustainable future through his speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF). He argued that solving climate change requires not only solar power but also other energy sources such as wind and geothermal energy. He also expressed his concern that the Fourth Industrial Revolution could lead to economic inequality and social disruption. Musk spoke passionately about the impact of the wave of automation on the labor market and the importance of sustainable energy sources. However, concerns were also raised regarding working conditions at Tesla factories. He said workers are forced to work long hours and are reportedly suffering from fatigue and health problems as a result. Musk's arguments demonstrate his commitment to addressing important social issues of our time and influencing the world. His vision and actions are notable for his efforts to combine technological innovation and social responsibility to build a sustainable future. (Rozelle, 2022)
“You can be happy without owning anything,” said Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. Economics professor Anthony P. Muller warns: Instead of free markets and individual choice standing as the overriding values, state interventionism and collectivism take precedence. Individual freedom and private property will disappear from the face of the earth by 2030. ” America is getting in the way. Critical race theory ensures that everyone gets the same piece (fairness). As jobs move overseas and foreclosures become widespread, communities will once again be devastated. People will be driven to rent. Neighborhoods will be bought up, demolished, and high-rise buildings built. Single-family residential zoning would be outlawed. This will be the last wealth transfer, as the middle class will once again be intentionally deprived of its savings and private property. Americans are considered domestic terrorists with racist intentions. Social-emotional learning has created a class of paid volunteer activists (the mob). everyone knows what to do. they learned it in school.
What can you do? Parents, please do not send your children to school. Homeschool, start school with friends and neighbors. Start a church school. Apply for the Florida Hope Scholarship. Public schools receive an attendance fee. I have no children and no money. You want the school board to listen. Stop letting them manipulate you. (Shane, 2021)

George Soros is the founder and chairman of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundations. Born in Budapest in 1930, he survived the Nazi occupation during World War II, emigrated from communist Hungary to Britain in 1947, and graduated from the London School of Economics. He then settled in the United States, where he amassed great wealth through international investment funds he founded and managed. Soros began his career as a philanthropist in 1979 by providing funds to support black students attending the University of Cape Town in apartheid South Africa. Since then, he has donated more than $32 billion. The Open Society Foundations currently supports individuals and organizations in more than 120 countries to build vibrant, inclusive democracies where governments are accountable to their people.
Soros writes regularly about politics, society, and economics, and has authored more than a dozen of his books, including In Defense of Open Society (2019). (World Economic Forum, 2022)

They have not publicly declared their vested interests. The pursuit of everything and the appearance of being “fair” is just a veil that contradicts the political and economic agenda. The data reveals that it was adopted. Ideological leaders (universities and educational content providers) that normally function as ideological states, in Althusserian terms, have transformed them into ideological apparatuses that transcend the state.
The WEF acts in good faith as an agent or representative of the international leadership in international politics. The structures of populist politics and democratic institutions have collapsed during the pandemic. This is evidenced by the fact that Davos attracts top leaders and organizations, not subaltern groups. The WEF does not have the latter interests in mind. Its agenda, including sustainability, digital, education, etc., may make it entirely noble, altruistic, and even heroic in times of global disaster.

Following the unusually rapid rollout of vaccinations, vaccination against the new coronavirus has become compulsory at universities affiliated with the WEF. Vaccines are still being tested, and the ethical ideal of free and informed consent is being flouted. They discriminate against people who participate and try to protect their bodily autonomy, and they have a lot to say about it. (World Economic Forum, 2022)

Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook in 2004 and currently serves as Chairman and CEO of Meta. He is responsible for developing the company's overall direction and product strategy. In October 2021, Facebook changed its name to Meta. This is to allow the company to reflect all of the products and services it offers across its apps, while also demonstrating its focus on building social experiences for Metaverse. Our goal is to contribute to the next evolution of social technology, aiming for immersive experiences such as AR and VR that go beyond two-dimensional screens.(World Economic Forum, 2022)

On January 17, 2022, President Xi Jinping gave a speech at the World Economic Forum's online conference, calling on the world to "solidify confidence, move forward boldly, and build a wonderful world together in the post-corona era." Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, he emphasized global epidemic control and economic recovery, saying the cooperation and solidarity of the international community is essential. He also pledged that China would provide vaccines and emphasized support, especially to developing countries. (World Economic Forum, 2022)

New Corona, WHO and China

There are suspicions that the coronavirus outbreak was part of a deliberate plan to increase the power of China's Xi Jinping government. There is a view that the new coronavirus did not occur by chance, but was intentionally leaked from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology. Such claims are often criticized and called delusional or ridiculous. Additionally, the system is being strengthened to severely punish those who spread false information. (Tanaka, 2023)

From my perspective, during the coronavirus crisis, the government, the medical community, and the mass media have repeated falsehoods and fraud, and those who point out the truth have been attacked. Similar trends can be seen in the Ukraine war and global warming issues, and the manipulation of information in these cases is sometimes referred to as "media literacy." It is predicted that the mass media in the United States, Europe, and Japan will continue to be in turmoil in the future, and there are indications that the liberal values of the West will be attacked and that the influence of China and Russia may increase. I myself have been criticized, but since I have no official position or authority, I feel that I have not suffered much damage.

Some members of the US Republican Party believe that China has undue influence over the WHO, and argue that their analysis is correct. They point out that since the WHO is part of the UN, China has influence over the UN. The background to this situation is that the United States, especially the Republican Party, has grown distrustful of the United Nations and has refused to pay its contributions. Another factor is that the United States once held hegemony in the United Nations, but relinquished that control. With the Trump administration's withdrawal from the WHO in July 2020, it is believed that China's influence on the organization has further increased. China and Russia are seen as taking advantage of the control of the United Nations that the United States has relinquished. (TYLER, 2023)

Republicans believe that the United Nations is being dominated by non-American parties such as China and Russia, that the United States is losing hegemony, and that the United Nations is becoming increasingly multipolar. In particular, we see the promotion of Victoria Nuland to deputy secretary of state as a sign that a closeted multipolar neoconservative is leading the Biden administration's foreign policy. The Republican Party claims that there is fraud in the coronavirus and global warming issues, and criticizes left-wing liberals for believing this. We believe that the positions of right-wing nationalists are legitimate and support their positions on these issues.

As mentioned regarding the global warming issue, I believe that the West is trying to promote multipolarization by giving up oil interests and letting non-American countries pick up the rights. Furthermore, I agree with the assertion that China is currently taking the lead in combating global warming and the coronavirus. On the other hand, I believe that China is only taking measures to combat global warming in name, and is actually trying to force the West to accept radical measures that will lead to economic self-destruction. I agree that the US Republican Party is pointing out the injustice of the coronavirus and global warming, but as a result, rather than restoring US hegemony, they are cutting ties with the United Nations and promoting isolationism. I think that's a problem. Such actions are thought to lead to an un-Americanized and multipolar world. (Tanaka, 2020)

Countries around the world were forced to implement a number of extremely foolish measures against the coronavirus, such as city closures, school closures, mandatory masks, compulsory vaccinations, zero-corona measures, etc., even though it was known from the beginning that they were ineffective as countermeasures against the coronavirus. It was WHO.
We already knew a hundred years ago during the Spanish Flu that city closures and mask mandates were ineffective in preventing infectious diseases. People who say, ``Coronavirus is an unknown and very dangerous disease, so that was the only countermeasure I could think of at the time. There's nothing I can do about it'' are either ignorant or trying to protect themselves. Even though the WHO is a group of infectious disease experts, they have forced the world to adopt extremely foolish measures that they know do not work. This is clearly a deliberate ploy and has political motive. (Tyler, 2023) From the start of the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020 until the Communist Party Congress in the fall of 2022, Xi Jinping intermittently implemented city closures and zero-corona measures to thoroughly monitor the public, while spending a year and a half investigating and crushing opposition within the party. He extended his term at the convention and established his own dictatorship.
In early 2023, two months after the party congress, Xi Jinping declared the end of the coronavirus in China and lifted all restrictions. Four months later, in May 2023, many countries around the world, including the WHO and the United States and Japan, followed China's lead and declared the end of the coronavirus pandemic. (RT, 2023)

There is a strong possibility that the new coronavirus existed to strengthen Xi Jinping's power, and a hidden multipolar faction may have chosen Xi Jinping as the protagonist to promote it and leaked it from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Xi Jinping was promoting the expansion of China's hegemony through initiatives such as One Belt, One Road, and was the right person to do so. Immediately after establishing a dictatorial regime at the party congress in the fall of 2022, he will visit Saudi Arabia and convert Saudi Arabia to China's side, implement a multipolar policy to lose US hegemony in the Middle East, and propose a peace mediation plan for Ukraine. and hinted at the possibility of Ukraine switching from the US side to China and Russia. (Sputnik, 2023)

After the novel coronavirus subsides, the WHO, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, is rushing to conclude a pandemic treaty in preparation for the "next pandemic." This treaty means that in the event of the next pandemic, the WHO will strip governments around the world of their powers and create a system in which a WHO-appointed pandemic czar will be in charge of each country. The treaty will seriously take away national rights and strengthen coercive powers against countries that do not comply, and will also put in place a system to crack down on those who point out exaggerations and distortions in the next pandemic as well. Under such a treaty, informers would be removed without chaos, and the WHO would serve as a global leader. (Sean, 2023) What kind of disease will the next pandemic be? Just as I was thinking this, Bill Gates of Microsoft, who has a foundation that researches viruses around the world, visited China and met with Xi Jinping. At the same time, Gates published an article in the New York Times praising the establishment of the WHO's pandemic treaty. Haha. Did you go and propose to the World Emperor how about a virus like this next time? . (Tyler, 2023)
World leaders have the ability to strip national powers, and Xi Jinping has been particularly intolerant, with warnings that Japan could become a full-fledged Chinese puppet state. There are doubts as to whether the Liberal Democratic Party will be able to maintain its independence, and there are concerns about the influence of the media and the left. Also, if Shinzo Abe were alive, he might have done well, but whose agent is the media in regards to his murder?

Status of response to vaccine deaths in Japan

453 cases certified as vaccine death benefit
"One life is heavier than the earth"

In the case of a hijacking by the Japanese Red Army group that occurred in September 1977, the criminal group demanded a ransom and the release of nine prisoners currently serving time in Japan. These were the words spoken by then Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda when the decision was made to hand over the members. There are pros and cons, but there is no doubt that human life is precious. Something serious has happened to that person's life. The number of deaths in Japan continues to increase dramatically.

The number of deaths in Japan has increased sharply since 2021.
The trends in the number of deaths are as follows.

1.381 million people in 2019
1.373 million people in 2020
1.44 million people in 2021
1,569,000 in 2022

Trends in the number of deaths in Japan (vital statistics, people)

The number of deaths has been showing an increasing trend as the population ages. The number of deaths in 2013 increased from 1.268 million to 1.381 million in 2019. An increase of 120,000 people has been observed in six years. The number of deaths has been increasing at a pace of 20,000 per year. However, a peculiar change has been observed since 2020. First, in 2020, the number of deaths decreased by 8,000.
However, in 2021, the number of deaths increased by 67,000 compared to the previous year, and in 2022, by 129,000 compared to the previous year. The number of deaths in 2022 will increase by 196,000 compared to 2020. This is an increase of approximately 200,000 people. Monthly statistics for 2023 have been announced (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Vital Dynamics Survey").

The "total number of deaths in the past 12 months including the current month" has remained at the 1.6 million level from January to August 2023. This is about 30,000 more than the 1.57 million deaths in 2022. These figures are not estimates, but statistical figures published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. In 2020, the number of deaths decreased by 8,000. In 2021, the number of deaths will increase by 67,000. In 2022, the number of deaths will increase by 129,000. The number of deaths in 2022 will increase by 196,000 compared to 2020.
What happened during this period? Since February 2020, the corona pandemic has spread. Large-scale vaccination with coronavirus vaccines will begin in May 2021. Large-scale vaccination will continue in 2022. From objective facts, it appears that vaccinations and the sharp increase in deaths are linked. However, proving a causal relationship is not easy.

There is a study that looked at the relationship between changes in the number of excess deaths and vaccination only in the first half of 2021, but since vaccination started after May 2021, there is a difference between the increase in excess deaths in the first half of 2021 and the vaccination. There is no causal relationship. It would be unfair to examine the causal relationship between the vaccine and the increase in deaths by limiting it to that period. You can tell before you see the verification results that the verification is being done to deny a causal relationship.

More than 2,000 cases of sudden death after vaccination have been reported under the vaccination adverse reaction reporting system. In the case of the new coronavirus vaccine, the reporting system for adverse reactions to seasonal influenza vaccinations has been significantly revised, and basically only reports will be made if a doctor deems them to be related to vaccination. For seasonal influenza vaccination, reporting was required for all cases of sudden death, hospitalization, functional impairment, and risk of functional impairment after vaccination. Reporting requirements for the new coronavirus vaccine have been significantly relaxed. Therefore, the more than 2,000 sudden deaths reported after vaccination are just the tip of the iceberg. However, the government hardly acknowledges any causal relationship. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's expert committee found that ``a causal relationship to vaccination cannot be denied'' in only two cases. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is said that ``causality cannot be assessed due to lack of information.''

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's ``Disease and Disability Certification Examination Committee, Infectious Diseases and Vaccination Examination Subcommittee, Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Vaccination Health Damage Examination Subcommittee'' has filed an application for ``number of cases related to lump-sum death benefits or funeral expenses.'' As of January 2024, the number of certified cases has reached 453. There is a big difference between the certification of a causal relationship and the certification of a lump-sum death benefit, but in the certification of a lump-sum death benefit, "a strict medical causality is not required in each individual case, and the symptoms after vaccination are This appears to be because the review is based on the idea that "even cases where it cannot be denied that something will happen due to vaccination are covered." As a practical response, the government has begun to decide to pay death benefits under the Adverse Reaction Compensation System for the large number of cases of sudden death after vaccination. I would like to focus on the significance of this fact.

The Japanese government's response to the demands of economic giants

Liberal Democratic Party supporters and economists have been on a path to destroying the Japanese nation. Its actions appear to be guided by the Jewish state of America and the Davos Forum (WEF).
Heizo Takenaka, who is brainwashing and destroying Japanese people through neoliberalism, is also the only Japanese permanent director of the Davos meeting. You can call him an agent. Once you know about Heizo Takenaka's horrifying corruption, the true nature of the Davos meeting becomes obvious, but no one is willing to point it out. (Wired, 2016) The Davos Forum (WEF), which Heizo Takenaka represents, is actually an interest group of Jewish and international financial capital. This is a group that is trying to establish neoliberalism created by the Jewish Friedman, One World, and an economic order of the fittest, ruled solely by market principles, with no government involvement, on the earth. The core of this is GAFAM, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Buffett, Soros, etc. The leaders of each country listed below are complete decorations and have no real influence. Most of the operators, including Klaus Schab, are Jewish financiers. (BUSINESS INSIDER, 2019) The key figure in particular is no longer seen as Shuab but Bill Gates. The kind of influence that Bill Gates exerted through the Davos meeting and what he was trying to accomplish can be described in one word: "population selection." Klaus Schab is a copy of Kissinger. The main purpose of Kissinger's decision to have Shuab create the Davos Conference was ``population culling,'' and Bill Gates is continuing that mission. (Thinker, 2009)

The current issue of side effects of the new coronavirus vaccine is no longer at the level of "side effects," but has escalated to the level of a holocaust of human genocide. What will happen if the WHO gains the authority to forcefully inoculate the world's humanity with the Global Pandemic Treaty created by Bill Gates and the Davos Conference?

Critics are quick to claim that the WEF's seemingly innocent phrase of "decarbonization" is actually a euphemism for an anti-human agenda. The WEF is a bold call, asking taxpayers around the world to contribute a whopping $3.5 trillion each year. This is the financial commitment deemed necessary to effectively accompany the global “decarbonization” of the planet and pave the way to realizing “net zero” targets.

Danish statistician Björn Lomborg estimates that with around 4 billion people dependent on fossil fertilizers, if we suddenly stopped using fossil fuels, around half of the world's population could die from starvation alone. It emphasizes and raises red flags. The nightmare scenario these experts envision is the potential human cost of extreme environmental policies being implemented without careful consideration of their impact on the well-being of individuals and communities around the world. is highlighted.

Here, rather than reducing the population through vaccines, direct population reduction plans through the abolition of fossil fuels are being praised. The Davos conference aims to establish a world power that will abolish all fossil fuel use that supports people's lives around the world, citing climate change as an excuse. What will happen if that happens? It is estimated that 4 to 6 billion people will die worldwide. This may be similar to the result of an X100-class solar wind hitting the Earth. The US military and NASA have calculated that if an X100 flare were to directly hit Earth's orbit, 90% of them would be killed by destroying the microcomputer infrastructure.

However, the Davos conference's insistence and the planned abolition of fossil fuels will cause just as great damage. At this stage, the plan to phase out fossil fuels is only a goal, but there is a strong possibility that it will eventually be implemented by an international power with coercive powers similar to the Global Pandemic Treaty.