Once upon a time there was a girl of dancer in a certain place. She had her dream to become a figure skater. While attending dance classes, she practiced figure skating every Sunday at the skating rink. She hired a skating coach to take her to the next level.  She would be selected for the Olympics and was subsidized by the state. She talked to them like this "She changed from dancing to figure skating and they made her dream come true in all over the world. " She talked to them like this."Her dream come true, this wishes are to have crystals of dream forever." She won the bronze medal with her smile on her dream stage, the Olympics. At the next Olympics she wanted to win a gold medal.  She talked to them like this."The best of Super feeling! But next time I'll be at the top!" Her triple axel and double toeloop were shining on this earth.She considered her next performance with great music. At her next Olympics, she blossomed and won a gold medal. She left her famous line. "Figure skating is the crystal and the source of my life." With tears in her eyes, she decided to retire this sport,bringing sth to a successful conclusion. Finally, she moved on to her coaching life. She led her wonderful life planning.