I had written a long blog post here but I thought "No one wants to hear the sad parts of someone's life." So, I thought I'd tell you all the nice things instead.

I've been getting slowly better but am still on a strict diet of pedialyte, soup, and sometimes (if I feel ok) mac-n-cheese. 

This "diet" has unfortunately made my weight drop very fast (while the sickness originally caused me to gain weight very fast) so my body looks... weird. Haha! 

I've been making a few friends here and there, and I couldn't be happier about it. While everyone else wants to date, I much prefer the company of my friends. 

Christmas season is here but I don't feel very "Christmas-y". I hope this changes soon since I do enjoy this holiday so much. 

I hope you all are well and I wanted to say thank you to all of you who have been supportive and kind through this hard ordeal of mine. It means a lot, even if it is simply "someone on the internet".

Peace by Apocalyptica. Enjoy!