Life has been increasingly busy as of the last month or so. My mother's oldest sister, and my only relative that I am genuinely close with, fell terminally ill while she was taking a vacation in the state of Arizona. Originally, I was chosen as the one to fly down and and care for her. My mother eventually said she wanted to. So she left almost immediately which left me and my father alone here.

Now, normally I share all of our house work with my family. But when mom left, my father went into a bit of a depression and I was left to care for everything in our home. The animals, the cleaning, caring for my dad since he can't cook or anything. It was hard work every day. I would end up being too tired to talk online or even on my phone to anyone. If I was alone in the house and not caring for my dad as well, I would have probably done a bit better, haha.

But on occasion I did get to have fun here and there. Lisa came down to visit almost right after mom left in late April. We went to Seattle a few times and had a great time. On one of the days we visited Sakura Con, the local anime convention in Seattle, and saw exist†trace perform and met the band briefly. Lovely women. ニコニコ

But then it would be back to work, lol. If I got too overwhelmed I would pack up my computer, grab a couple clothes, and just drive to my brother's house. I really appreciate him letting me stay there at random like that. The drive is absolutely beautiful. It's 2 hours but it passes quickly for me since I love the scenery so much.

Mom came back last week. Things have calmed down a bit but she's gotten too used to being in full command and has been telling me I'm doing things wrong a lot when I am not. It's hard to ignore when I offer to drive her places and she screams that we're going to crash when we are coming to a stop. But otherwise, happy she's home. にひひ

I finally saw Rammstein on Sunday! Definately one of the BEST shows I've ever been too. The pyrotechnics, the music, the crowd, everything was just amazing. Plus, I was right in front of my favorite member.ニコニコ Here is a clip from the show. You can watch the full concert on that person's channel if interested. :)

Well, I hope everyone is doing well. I feels like it's been forever since I've talked to anyone. And I must say, if I don't reply right away, it's because I'm not seeing the comments back. I apologize for that.

Bluhende Blumen, Fallende Regen

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. Enjoy! ラブラブ音譜