We as humans often forget that life requires a lot of sacrifice to get the most out of it. We often dream for rewards without making sacrifice and when big challenges come, we crash and never get up because we did not expect them. But, if we recognize thoroughly that it is the painful process of winning which makes us grow, and we will build the characters that will bring us success. The more rough the path is, the more joyous we will become when reach the goals.   



These are the quotes I loved from the Lesson 1 of Introduction to Entrepreneurship

"Living life as an entrepreneurial hero means recognizing that life is hard, and that the greatest struggles bring the greatest meaning and the most powerful personal growth."


  • Accept that life is hard and seldom fair 
  •  Know that you must persevere to develop the habits and character that will determine your destiny 
  •  Understand that choosing doesn’t mean you are in control, and that real entrepreneurs learn to fail quickly, cheaply, and often 
  • Find the right fellow travelers, because you will tend to become like those who surround you


In the beginning, No one is immune to the failures. We all feel the disappointment and discouragement from them. So, how can we become stronger? I liked the idea of how to build resilience to unimaginable blow up in the following quote.


"Achieve stability by introducing low level volatility -by introducing small risks on a regular basis."


For me it is to try new way of designing, editing, and filming my works. It could be trying for new sports. I could be making phone calls to the people I have never met.  


Like I learned from Rocky Balboa year ago, "No pain, no gain!".