北米版逆転検事のタイトルは「Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth」が正式なものだそうです。


Snow's Blog :: Captivate09: Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

The new Ace Attorney game, Miles Edgeworth, is making it's way to the west this winter! You'll be playing as Miles Edgeworth, taking the gameplay out of the courtroom and into the crimescene. Check out all the brand new information and images from Captivate09.
Ace Attorney(逆転裁判)の新作、Miles Edgeworthを制作中であり、今冬海外で発売します! あなたはMiles Edgeworthで法廷を出て事件現場を捜査するでしょう。Captivate09で発表された新情報と画像をご覧下さい。

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth takes the Ace Attorney series from the courtroom to the crime scene, leaving the legal battle behind while bringing the action to various crime scenes.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworthは、Ace Attorneyシリーズから法廷を取り去り、様々な事件現場での行動による論争を残します。

This time around, the player takes on the role of famed prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, a memorable rival of charismatic legal eagle Phoenix Wright. Edgeworth actively investigates crime scenes in order to pursue the truth behind each case. By solving the challenging puzzles presented him, Edgeworth will work with the police to bring criminals to justice.
今回、プレイヤーはPhoenix Wright(成歩堂龍一)の好敵手である、有名なMiles Edgeworth(御剣怜侍)検事の役割を引き受けます。Edgeworthは各事件の真実を追究するために、積極的に犯行現場を捜査します。挑戦的な謎を解決することによって、Edgeworthは犯人を裁判にかけるために、警察とともに働きます。

Users will be able to directly control the character avatar’s movement on the scene with the arrow key or touch screen and investigate the crime scenes freely. If, during the course of an investigation, users find contradictions, they will be able to obtain new information by presenting decisive evidence. In some cases, users will identify clues and conduct examinations of material witnesses. On these occasions, users will have to uncover the truth behind the crimes using collected information, the evidence, and logic.

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is composed of several lengthy episodes. In the first episode, an argument in Edgeworth’s office results in a mysterious murder. Edgeworth, coming back from a one-month business trip, enters his office and encounters the body of the man who was shot. He is then threatened by someone who is presumed to be the suspect with a gun from behind. In the second episode, Edgeworth wakes up after being knocked out due to an air pocket accident inside a luxury airliner flying through turbulence. Shaken by the flashback of nightmarish past memories, he opens the onboard elevator’s door, only to find a male corpse. At this very moment a cabin attendant witnesses the scene and Edgeworth is made a suspect of murder!
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworthは幾つかのエピソードからなります。最初のエピソードでは、Edgeworthのオフィスが不可解な殺人現場になります。Edgeworthは、1ヵ月の出張から彼のオフィスに戻ってきたところで、銃殺された男の死体に遭遇します。彼は後ろから銃をもつ容疑者であると思われる誰かによって脅迫されます。第2のエピソードでは、Edgeworthは乱気流中を飛んでいる贅沢な大型旅客機の中に乗り込んでいて、乱気流による事故のために倒れた後に事件が起こります。悪夢のような過去の記憶のフラッシュバックに混乱し、彼はエレベーターのドアを開きます。そして、男性の死体を見つけてしまいます。このまさしく瞬間に、客室乗務員に目撃されて、Edgeworthは殺人事件の容疑者になってしまいます!

Miles Edgeworth will have to confront suspects and get to the bottom of his cases by collecting information and evidence through detective work between key locations. Also, in the “logic” mode that symbolizes Edgeworth’s logical inferences, users can discover new information and evidence by combining two pieces of information out of the collected pieces. The real culprit that will be revealed through investigations and witnesses will be confronted in a ‘battle’ similarly fought (Testimony - Pursuit - Press - Confront) to that of the ‘Court Battle’ in the Ace Attorney series (Testimony - Cross Examination) to expose the contradictions.
Miles Edgeworthは容疑者に立ち向かい、重要な現場を捜索して情報と証拠を集め、事件の真相を究明しなければなりません。また、Edgeworthの論理的結論を象徴する「ロジック」モードでは、プレイヤーは証拠から2つの情報を結合することによって、新情報や証拠を発見することができます。調査や証言によって現れる本当の犯人とは、Ace Attorneyシリーズにおける「法廷バトル」(証言-尋問)と同じ「戦い」(証言-追求-ゆさぶる-対決)によって対決します。


- Starring Miles Edgeworth, the popular rival of attorney Phoenix Wright

- Gameplay moves out of the courtroom and onto the crime scene

- New investigative style using the Nintendo DS stylus to uncover evidence

- Several unique cases to solve with over 15 hours of gameplay

- New technique, such as “logic” mode assists you in uncovering the crime

- Unique dialog trees and interrogation techniques let you question witnesses to discover the truth


・主人公は弁護士Phoenix Wrightの人気のライバルである、Miles Edgeworth








Miles Edgeworth to Ace US, EU DS courts this winter - News at GameSpot

IGN: Ace Attorney Investigations Announced

DS News: Ace Attorney Investigations Movie - Official Nintendo Magazine

Siliconera ≫ Ace Attorney Investigations Announced With English Trailer





Nintendo Everything - Our second language is Nintendo++ ≫ Blog Archive ≫ Phoenix Wright Wii could “technically” happen
“Technically, sure. I’m not confirming anything though, just to be clear.” - Christian Svensson
Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development

カプコンUSAスタッフのChristian Svensson氏が、「逆転裁判シリーズをWiiに移植する技術はある」と発言したらしいです。
