Pwndiggleted | 私は 藤原タカシ です~ よろしくおねがいします!


I utterly pwndiggleted all my finals :)
I'm so happy, my average grade is probably around a 98.5% Which makes me eligible to be a summa cum laude.

right now we haveall our food in the front lobby cause its the last day for the semester and we're all going to binge on it. and we're playing supersmash, etc.

tomorrow: i'm heading to chicago to see Bettina and Jason!!! My favorite peepoh :) Hopefully the snow won't kill me while i'm trying to drive down there. Anyways... I'll be home on Sunday! Then we gonna PAHTAY. Someone make a crepe cake and I will love you.

Brain is dead. Finals were pwned, but it wasn't easy! Brain, dead.