Weird Habits | 私は 藤原タカシ です~ よろしくおねがいします!

Weird Habits

Rules: The first player starts with the topic "Your 5 Weird Habits." If you have been tagged, then you must also list five of your weird habits in a Xanga (aka AMEBLO) entry, state these rules clearly, and tag five other people (aka ZERO cause i'm lazy...) and blah blah rules. okay:

1) I crack my neck ALL DAY LONG
2) I scratch my ass when i extrude urine
3) I forget to dry my clothes and I forget to pick them up and then the entire process takes 2 days to complete
4) Whenever I imagine a cute kitty or something soft and furry and cute I get sleepy. Cause I imagine my blankey as one and I cuddle to sleep.
5) My brilliant genius causes me to be lazy