イースター | 横浜線淵野辺駅: 小学生対象のアフタースクールで英語を話そう!米会話教室WESLのブログ

横浜線淵野辺駅: 小学生対象のアフタースクールで英語を話そう!米会話教室WESLのブログ



PANE DI PASQUA: A SYMBOLIC ITALIAN EASTER BREAD It is no surprise that bread has incredible significance around many cultures’ Easter tables.
Just as bread for centuries has been the prime source of bodily sustenance for daily life, Christ, whose resurrection Christians celebrate on Easter, is considered “the bread of life,” (John 6:35), in whom believers will find their daily, spiritual sustenance. This Italian Easter bread is braided with eggs, which also hold incredible Easter significance as signs from nature of new life, just as we are celebrating new life in the risen Christ.