


My pc problem is resolved♪

Today, my friend (who takes care of my pc) has resolved it.

He is very very veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy kind because he's very busy now!!

He's stopped to work to build his house.

But, he took time to help me.

He's the husband of the second daughter of my third nanny.

Do you understand? wwwww

Well, the problem wasn't my screen but the "video card".

Friday, this card has cowardly abandonned me.

It didn't let me try to read a personal message...


This week was totally boring without internet.

This week bore me to death.

And, I couldn't try to take a walk 'cause it rained all the time.

So, I stayed at my home and listened Panic Channel's 「shave」, watched movies...

I stayed a lot of time in my bedroom.

Listening 「shave」 again, again and over again.

It was the best time in this boring week.

Panic Channel's songs, MEGURU's voice♪

Anyway, I'm nyappy to be back♪

Peta, amebapigg, poupéegirl...it's very addictive!!


