2023 10 09 Mon

コーヒーブレイク 読書



Today, my husband went golfing early in the morning, and my daughter headed to Tokyo to teach the erhu, so I had some relaxing time to myself.
 It's been sunny since my husband's temporary return, but today, of all days, it rained! My husband usually brings good weather with him, so maybe there was a particularly strong rainmaker in his group today.

ゴルフ 雨 雨男



We were planning to go for soba noodles, which is one of my husband's favorite dishes, for lunch. So, our daughter rushed back after her erhu lesson, but my husband's golf game took longer than expected, and we missed the last order at the soba restaurant.

Luckily, we realized there was a nearby restaurant that serves one of my husband's other favorites, egg over rice. This place offers all-you-can-eat fresh eggs from their own chicken farm. My husband always enjoys it with three eggs. So, even though we missed out on soba, TKG(Tanago Kake Gohan=egg over rice) made him happy. 






On the way back home, we noticed a new supermarket and decided to check it out. Then, we spotted some delicious-looking meat there and we decided to have yakiniku for dinner. Yakiniku was also on my husband's list.