そこまでする? #許せない行動
After seeing the fantasydrama called "Word of Honor," I was very into Gon Jun for a while, who played one of quite core roles in the show. And then, I happened to hear the unbelievable disturbing rumor. That is, he and his advocates seem to have framed his co-actor aiming at the sole popularity to himself. I'm not sure whether this rumor is true or not since I'm just the third person and have no right or authority to dig into the details. Having said that, it' pretty weird that Gon Jun hasn't made any single statements to defend himself or try to clear Zhang Zhe Han's name in stigma. Instead, he has kept implying on the Net that he has an intimate relationship with Zhang Zhe Han, making his fans to believe that he is supporting Zhang Zhe Han's financial struggling. What I really cannot stand is people who don't play fair and square.【日本語訳】「山河令」というファンタジードラマを観た後、この作品でかなり中心的な役割を演じたゴン・ジュンに、一時期とてもハマった。そんな時、信じられないただならぬ噂をたまたま耳にした。つまり、彼と彼の支持者は、自分への唯一の人気を狙い、彼の共演者をハメたというのだ。この噂が本当かどうかはわからない。私は第三者であり、詳細を掘り下げる権利や権限はないからだ。そうは言っても、ゴン・ジュンが自分を弁護したり、共演者だったチャン・ジャーハンの汚名を晴らそうとする発言を1つもしていないのは、かなり奇妙だ。それどころか、彼はネット上でチャン・ジャーハンと親密な関係にあることをほのめかし続け、彼がチャン・ジャーハンの経済的苦境を支えているとファンに信じ込ませている。私が本当に許せないのは、正々堂々とプレーしない人達だ。Word of Honor | Mainland China | Drama | Watch with English Subtitles & More ✔️As leader of an elite unit, tasked with protecting the imperial family, Zhou Zi Shu (Zhang Zhe Han) was not a man to be taken lightly. A man of great honor, who commanded much resp…www.viki.comThat's why now I'm a silent fan of his.(なので今は、彼の静かなファンです)人気ブログランキング