distance >< | 大切な人と素直な気持ちを伝え合える  「ピュアコミュニケーションレッスン」

大切な人と素直な気持ちを伝え合える  「ピュアコミュニケーションレッスン」

代表 竹田 真弓 アローラです。


sweeet cheek


I took a little trip to Fukuoka before I fly to NY and met one of the most important person in my life.

I would have never guessed that it would be so fun and unforgettable moment between us.

sweeet cheek

Hawk town? the name of shopping mall near the Fukuoka dome. We went to Hard Rock Caffe and

devour hamburger. It was one of the biggest burger I've ever seen, I could eat them all but he ended up

like, "ugh! this is too heavy for me. "

sweeet cheek

And then we walked along beach and i dont know how many hours we talked about our nostalgic days...and

our future.

Now im kinda even missing the time we hurt each other by our weakness and also sweet memories.

About four years passed since we met.

No matter what kind of relationship we're categolized as, its an unswerving fact that we both always hope

each other's happiness beyond male-female relationships.

may you always feel my love from the back side of the earth.

sweeet cheek