            What content that is included in soybeans is said to make the head work well?"

    It is said that the appearance of the brain is like a pink tofu containing a lot of moisture.

    That's why soy products such as tofu should be eaten.

   However, it has been physiologically elucidated that lecithin, a substance in soybeans plays an
   important role in activating the brain.   

               (注: elucidate 〔動〕…を解明する、はっきりさせる)

4.脳は約140億個もの神経細胞の集合体です。液体の中で電線のようにネットワーク をつくり、
   The brain is an aggregate of about 14 billion nerve cells.  It creates a network like wires in a liquid   
  and transmits information.

      (注: aggregate = 〔名〕集合体、 transmit =  〔動〕…を伝達する)

5.このとき細胞間の連絡係となるのが、アセチルコリンという物質です。 これは神経伝達物質とも
    At this time, the substance called acetylcholine serves as a transmitter from cell to cell.  This is
    also called a neurotransmitter.

    The raw material, lecithin is necessary to produce acericillin.

     Lecithin is broken down in the body and turns into acetylcholine.

8.レシチンが不足すると、脳の神経細胞間の伝達が悪くなります。すなわち、頭の働きが 鈍るのです。
    When lecithin runs short, it leads to poor transmission between nerve cells in the brain.
    In other words, the work of the head gets dull.

9.レシチンは、卵黄、ウナギ、ゴマにも含まれていますが、吸収しやすさの点では、 大豆、豆腐や納豆の
    Lecithin is also contained in egg yolk, eels and sesame, but in terms of ease of absorption,
   there is nothing superior to soybeans and soy products such as tofu and natto.
10.  納豆にはレシチンやビタミンKが多く含まれています。 レシチンやビタミンKの摂取で認知症の
  Natto contains a large amount of lecithin and vitamin K. Intake of lecithin and vitamin K leads to
  the prevention of dementia.

                 (注:dementia (デイメンシャ)〔名〕 認知症、痴呆)

11..  脳の老化を防ぐために、レシチンを摂取して下さい。
     Please taket lecithin to prevent the brain from aging.