                                  How is a vapor trail made?

 Leaving a line like a comet and sometimes even writing letters in the blue sky,
 the tricks that contrails play can be quite enjoyable.
 (注:comet (名) ほうき雲、すい星。vapor trail, contrail(名)飛行機雲。enjoyable(形)面白い、楽しめる)
   However, why are such clouds formed?  What is the difference between contrails and ordinary clouds?
     Contrails like ordinary clouds are caused by condensation of water vapor.

   (注: condensation = (名) 凝結。water vapor = (名)水蒸気)

4.水蒸気は、冷たい空気中で、凝結の核となるものがあると、細かい氷の    粒になる性質があります。
  When there is a core upon which water vapor condenses in cold air, it has the property of turning
   into fine ice grains.
      (注:property = 〔名〕性質。fine = 〔形〕細かい。grain = 〔名〕粒)

   In the case of contrails, the dust contained in the exhaust of planes becomes the core of condensation, 
   and the water vapor  within the cold and moist air    above forms into ice crystals.
              (注: exhaust = (名) 排気。 ice crystal = (名) 氷晶)
     Contrails are also created when there is a lot of water vapor in the exhaust.
  In an unusual phenomenon, it is said that the heat from the exhaust of airplanes sometimes
   erase clouds that were already there.
                   (注: phenomenon = 〔名〕現象。 erase = 〔動〕~を消す)