I've been watching "Strictly Dumpling" on YouTube these days. 





The channel operated by Mike Chen has various playlists, and one of them titled "7-Eleven" is very interesting to me.   



There are a lot of 7-ELEVEn convenience stores here in Japan 日本 They're so familiar. 




He mentions  their Japanese egg salad sandwichesヒヨコ  The scene starts around 18:48 in the video above.  








He praises Japanese egg salad sandwiches around 18:11 in the video above.

Not only these two but others posted by him show that he really likes them鳥 



Then they made me feel like eating them. I've been to 7 ELEVEn a lot of times in my life, but didn't remember if I'd tried the item before. 



I got it イエローハーツ 



They were fluffy and tasted goodイエローハート But I was also surprised that those simple sandwiches amaze people from other countries地球 



Japan has seen a serious egg shortage for several reasons, and one of them is this: 








 I hope it will end as soon as possible.   





By the way...



They were doing Korean Groumet Fair 韓国 


South Korea is spelled as "大韓民国" in Japanese kanji characters, and the country's called "韓国", Kankoku, in our daily lives.



It started on May 9 this year. But I've just found a news post on their official website has already gone, so it may have ended.



I tried many of Korean food and beverages while they lasted. 



Grilled Pork Ribs🐖


The thick meats went well with rice ドキドキ Simple dish but good.




Yukgaejang Ramen🐄




I love noodles, and Ramen is no exceptionラーメン But I prefer the other two noodles appearing later in this blog post. 


Well, I remember I liked Yukgaejang udon noodles I sometimes ate at my favorite Korean eatery in Tokyo, so I like Yukgaejang itselfドキドキ Well, my favorite item there was always Samgyetang鳥



Injeolmi, or "Rice Cakes with Brown Sugar Syrup". 



The English names I've put below the photos are not official ones for the items, except sweets. 



As the photos show, their sweets for the fair have official names on their packages, so I've mentioned them like "~". 



Dalgona Coffee Melty Milk Pudding, or "Milk Pudding & Coffee"コーヒー



This pudding was beyond my expectationピンクハート It was awesome, and made me get it again.




The pudding was sold out at a first location I went to, so I came by another one, tooラブラブラブラブ 



I heard the item was very popular when they released it before. No wonder.





Bibim-guksu, or Korean Cold Spicy Mixed Noodles.



This item was delicious ラブラブ At first, I felt it looked a bit too small for me, but I was stuffed after eating it.



Its cold noodles were chewy. They went well with its spicy sauce.



Kimuchi-Jjigae Udon Noodles ラーメン 



Next, hot noodles. This one was also tastyラブラブ 




Korean Bibimbap topped with a Japanese Hot Spring Egg, or Onsen Tamago.



I love Onsen Tamago in general ヒヨコ 




Sweet & Spicy Bulgogi Bowl 割り箸



This was also goodグリーンハート 


Rice bowl topped with meats and various vegetablesグリーンハーツ




Alcoholic Drinks. 


I've tried Peach Makgeolli, but haven't Strawberry drink yetいちご 








I like "Milk Pudding & Coffee" the bestキスマーク This was much better than I'd expected合格