It seems today is "Curry Day" in Japan カレー


Curry and rice served with Oysters in Hiroshima as I posted before.



I like eating and have various kinds of foods and beverages.



When it comes to curry, I eat normal curry with rice but prefer what we call Katsu curry and ethinic curry with rice, including green and red ones. Well, I'm not so sure, but they say "curry" is an uncountable noun, so we can't use one or ones when we mention them again, right? Anyway, Katsu curry is Japanese curry served with rice and a cutlet. 





Also, I love noodles, and I like curry udon noodles, too. And there seems to be "Curry Noodles Day" too here in Japan ラーメン



Many people may not know, but Kyoto has great curry udon noodles restaurants as well as matcha-related shops. In general, they say Kyoto's soups for noodles are different from those of Tokyo or Kanto region. I mean, not only their Curry Udon but other kinds of soups and noodles are different from each other, they say. Even some instant cup noodles offer Kanto and Kansai versions. 



I'll write about some of the curry udon eateries located in Kyoto.





March, 2022



The name of the eatery is おかる, or Okaru. 



I hear their Cheese Curry Noodles are a popular item. That was what I ordered. I think this one is the best among curry noodles topped with cheese I've tried so far. I wanna have it again sometime.


The restaurant doesn't have its own website, but it seems to have been well-known among tourists as well as local people. 




August, 2019



I suppose I had this at an eatery called 味味香, MIMIKOU, which was located near the Kyoto Station. 





Even though I wasn't chabby at the time, I did't look good on photos... as always.



Just be careful when you wear white clothes and have curry stuff.







November, 2016



日の出うどん, or Hinode Udon in Kyoto. This doesn't seem to have an official website, either.



I went there many years ago, but I remember I tried to arrive earlier than it opened that day as I'd read the store usually had a long line before its opening time.


It was featured in a travel magazine or book I read through before the trip, and then I decided to go there, too. I also remember that customers could choose its level of spiciness and a type of noodles; udon, soba or chinese noodles. I ordered curry udon noodles with a recommended level of spiciness, maybe.





The next one is not located in Kyoto, Kansai region, but in Kanto region.



January, 2020



古奈屋, or KONAYA in Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture, which belongs to Kanto.



According to the official website, they have three locations in the region now, but I went their Yokohama location. 


This store offered banana tempura, which attracted me a lot. I like both banana and tempura, and banana tempura is kind of a rare item at eateries though it may not sound different or new. I'd always wanted to try it, but didn't in the end. 






No makeup or light one. I look tired and older than my real age in the photo... I think I was literally tired then.




The last ones are located in Tokai region.



March, 2018



Curry Kisimen Noodles in Kishimen Yoshida, きしめんよしだ, one of the well-known Kisimen Noodles eateries in Nagoya, the capital city of Aichi Prefecture. I've been to the restaurant a few times. 




July, 2019    



Curry Kishimen Noodles at the same place.









March, 2018



Curry Ise Udon Noodles in ふくすけ, Fukusuke, an eatery located in a street called Okage Yokocho, which is near the Ise Jigu, Mie Prefecture. Some say the prefecture is a part of the Tokai region and others do it belongs to the Kinki one.




I mentioned these two stores in this blog post:








It's easy to cook curry udon noodels at home, and I used to have it by myself.





Wait... these may not be curry udon noodles but my original hashed beef with udon noodles. I don't usually put mushrooms into curry. And their colors... they're not curry colors but hashed beef or tomato-based ones. 




I hear "Hashed Beef" was originally born in England, and Japanese came to have hashed beef with rice being inspired by it. I like hashed beef with rice, too. As for me, I love noodles, and I think it goes well with noodles as well as rice though it's not an ordinary way of eating it. 




Curry Pasta Noodles, maybe. Wait, are there mushrooms? Did I put them into curry, too?



It doesn't look good compared with the other two. 



Well, I like to top Curry or Hashed Beef Udon or Pasta Noodles with cheese, and one of my favorite was Kiri released by a company called bel Japan. They offer several types of cheese, and Kiri itself has some kinds. I used to put its bazil-flavored one on it. But the flavor was not always available at the store I used to come by, so I got its standard plain one instead then.  





I don't know how to finish this blog post, but you should try curry udon noodles if you haven't tried yet. I hope you'll also like it. Period.