While organizing photos I took before and looking back at my past blog posts, I noticed I had put only a few pictures of tarts of a la campagne, one of my favorite tart shops.



I used to go to their locations especially when I lived in Oimachi, Tokyo, where they have a cake shop and a cafe. Since their tarts are simple but classy, I didn't get tired of their flavors and enjoyed taking photos of them. 
I often had the same seasonal tarts several times or again and again while they were available. Though I don't always take pictures and often forget to do, I find I left lots of photos of the tarts. 



October, 2018



Japanese Persimmons





November, 2018



Pears & Berries                     Kiwi fruit                              Mont Blanc-inspired





Mandarin Oranges                                         Strawberries



The names for tarts are not official ones. They're like short explanations or memos by me. Some of them may not be accurate because of my memory lapse or misunderstanding.






Apples                                                         Figs







 Strawberry Short Cake, not tart.          Banana Cake 



They serve not only tarts but other kinds of cakes and sweets like these ones. I like especially their various tarts, but their cakes are generally awesome ショートケーキ





December, 2018



Peaches                                                       Bananas & Caramel  



The right one might not be photo-worthy, but it's tasty. A collaboration of bananas and caramel worksバナナ One of my favorite tarts released by themドキドキ






Various                                                        Rasberries, maybe





Chestnut                                                       Chocolate Cookies
















Wait. Does this include a tart crust when we take a closer look? Well, I usually drink black coffee when I have sweets. But this one made me feel a bit weird as coffee meets coffeeコーヒー




January, 2019



Sweet Potatoes




February, 2019



Pudding-flavored                                          Mille Crepes-inspired




These two were also my favorite ones, so I tried as many times as possible during the seasonラブラブ 






Nuts                                                            Tiramisu-flavored





March, 2019



Cherry Blossom Tart



This seasonal one is the best of the best for me so far. Its appearace, color, taste, flavor, smell... 桜 I didn't get tired of it at all. 

















I forget the exact period, but their sakura tarts are available during spring every year, which includes March and April桜



I ate as many as possible while it was served. They were not only beautiful but tastyラブラブ



April, 2019



Chocolate & Mint                                          Muscats                                                 








May, 2019



Matcha Tart                                                  Matcha Chiffon



Matcha greenグリーンハーツ





Pineapples                                                   Melons



Their fruit tarts look simple and plain but taste good.





Mille Crepes-inspired (Strawberries ver.)





June, 2019



Grapefruits                                                   Mangos





July, 2019



Coffee Jelly


Coffee meets coffee, again...コーヒー



Yes, they offer several kinds of jellies too during every summer. They were refreshing. I liked their small glass containers, which had two shapes and several designs, and collected by eating lots of jelly or pudding items in summer.









Strawberries                                           Peaches      






Watermelons Jelly & Tart                               



Watermelons on tart were a bit watery but tasted goodスイカ The tart included chocolate chips and they went well with watermelons and tart dough. Their tart dough was not too softy but kind of hard and crispy, which was to my taste.





Mango Pudding                                            Blueberries





August, 2019











Sweet Potatoes                Figs









September, 2019




Puddings, maybe. I forgot what kind of flavor, though...




October, 2019










Mont Blanc-inspired again                              Halloween-themed Pumpkins. 






Mont Blanc                                                   ???



I really liked their Mont Blanc Tart, too, so I ate it as many times as possible every autumn. It looked so classy and tasted rich. 



When I was younger, I didn't like Mont Blanc itself that much compared with other kinds of cakes. Now I like it and have some kind of Mont Blanc items every fall栗 





Pears & Berries again.            Apples




  Japanese Persimmons



November, 2019





This small cup with a spoon was so cute. There was another pink one in another season, which will appear in a following article.






Bananas                                                      Muscats






December, 2019



Chestnut again





To be continued...スイーツ