Well, I didn't update this English blog last year that often, but I've been learning and improving my English skills using YouTube, twitter and things like that. YouTube helps me improve especially listening comprehension skills, and twitter does reading and writing ones. 


So far, twitter has a character limit, you know, and that makes me practice summarizing. Using emojis, which are said to have been born here in Japan, works. Rumor has it that it'll be increased from 280 to 4000, though.



I think a blog is good for writing and posting longer sentences, and it enables us to leave and classify posts by topics.






These days, I enjoy checking "Insider Food" on YouTube and twitter. Insider Food, too, teaches me a lot. I can learn not only English but various kinds of foods and beverages, cuisines from around the world, popular dishes and eateries, etc. 




I love eating and try any kinds of dishes. I have a sweet tooth, too. 






They have locations across Japan and I've had their cheese tarts several times, but I didn't know until I watched the video a few days ago that they do overseas, too: BAKE CHEESE TART  (official English website)







Their brand name is not *baked* cheese tart, just in case. I don't know why.



While watching it, I remembered I had tried their exclusive Matcha Cheese Tart before.




It's only available in their Kyoto location. I remember I came across the store and got it to go.





I do like matcha items, but I wasn't moved by their matcha one that much. I've tried it only once, though. I think I prefer their original cheese tart, which has a rich taste and goes well with black coffeeコーヒー




I had it with a cup of coffee in a hotel room. I don't like Donald Trump, by the way. It's a long story.




The picture reminds me that I spent at my favorite Kyoto Brighton Hotel then. Some may remember I've mentioned the hotel sometimes here in my blog and that I usually stay in their Japanese-themed room named "en" for lots of reasons. 


One of them is that every "en" room has Nespresso coffee machine and 4 capsules with a different color and flavor, and allows us to enjoy their coffee and espresso for free.


But I chose another room, which was kind of western-style, for the night for a change back in August, 2019. As far as I remember, "en" rooms don't have a round table like that one.




Yes, I mentioned the trip in the blog post below.

And the photo shows the same room, not a Japanese-style "en" one:






These are past photos but new ones on this blog:



I think this was the 1st time I stayed in their western-style rooms. I wasn't fat at the time.





Last year, which means 2022, in Japanese-style "en" room:







In 2020, a trip with my mother:







Back in another year, 2018, by myself:





See? That's one of the reasons I like their "en" rooms very much. 



The two photos are from this past blog post:





I stayed in "en" rooms in other years or times, too, but didn't take pictures of the machines. 




I think I'll write this kind of blog post sometimes. Shorter sentences with a few photos or videos.



Oh, by the way, my favorite "That Little Puff" started twitter last year. His twitter account: @thatlittlepuff_



His official YouTube:




He's awesome. He can do anything. And he always makes me smile猫