クラッカー Congratulations on the release of  "NEWMOON" 新月三日月半月やや欠け月満月







新月 Finally, moumoon's 8th album "NEWMOON"released on March 6th, which means just today.音譜





Well, to be honest, it's a bit different from the waxing and waning of the moon I wanted to express ... but it's not Ohana's fault. It's mine. They did a great job.  I told them the wrong ones, which I didn't notice then, and they just followed them. Maybe some other time, I'll show the correct ones and ask Ohana to draw them:



The phases of the moon is like this above, and the "NEWMOON" is the rightmost one, you know.新月





Well, As I mentioned before, I ordered moumoon's new album in advance on Amazon. Strictly speaking, I got its CD & 2DVDs version with a special offer, which seems to be a poster. Their special giveaway is always nice. I think I'm going to put it on the wall.


I'm really really looking forward to them to arrive. When I ordered them online a few months ago, I thought they would arrive on the release date. I can't wait. So, that's why I can't post their pictures here in my blog. But I'll show them as soon as possible.CD


Though I haven't received them yet, I've already listented to all the songs included in the new album because I bought and downloaded them on smartphone soon after the date changed. It has lots of tunes and words that exactly sound "NEW" to big fans like me even though moumoon have produced and released different types of songs for years including dark ones ... like the phases of the moon.新月三日月半月やや欠け月満月 


On the other hand, this time, we find they use the word "光"for two song titles of the album. Just find which ones. 光, or Hikari, means "light" in English, but I think their message is like "looking on the bright side of the life even though life has a dark side as well and there're tough and difficult times."


Also, I personally feel the new album has less English words, and that they use more Japanese ones for both song titles and lyrics. And the song titles written in Japanese are straightforward. I like moumoon's songs which have English words and phrases and sound like foreign music, but I like their genuine Japanese songs without them from "NEWMOON". Well, guess which ones I'm talking about.


You should listen to moumoon's various songs including the latest album "NEWMOON"and find your own favorite songs. I'll introduce my favorite ones sometime. There are too many to name, though. But I'll try.星




満月"Fullmoon Live 2019 February" from their official YouTube Channel: moumoon on YouTube.


They played and mentioned several songs from "NEWMOON." 新月



Well, I think they should post a trailer or something on YouTube for their 8th album "NEWMOON" so more people can hear and know all the songs briefly, like they did when they released the previous one, I mean the 7th one "Flyways." You know, I quoted the words from "Serendipity," which is included in the 7th album, at the begining of this year; "Hau'oli Makahiki Hou 2019." I still love the song. It's awesome.



NEW I find they've launched a dedicated website for the 8th album; moumoon 『NEWMOON』; They've added a "Listen & Buy" page, too. You can check shorter versions of all the songs from the album. But I still insist they should post something new on YouTube.





ハートピンクハート"Happy Pancakes Days" again at Eggs 'n Things Odaibaラブラブラブラブ



Well, I'll write about "Uji Matcha Tiramisu Pancakes" offered by Eggs 'n Things right now. They're only available from March 1st till March 21th. It's so short, huh? Check them out.



NEW Actually, I hear "Uji Matcha Tiramisu Pancakes" are not so popular among customers ... at least in Eggs 'n Things. Why is that? I think they're so beautiful and perfect for spring.桜



At first I thought they would be liked very much and that they would have to last much longer since Japanese people love Matcha items, Japanese-style ones and limited offers in general, you know, but my guess just turned out to be wrong.あせるOn top of that, some female Ohana there told me that Matcha pancakes don't sell well and Kyoto's "Kaoru, Uji Matcha Pancakes" served in all the locations in Japan for a limited time last year didn't either there. They said other things frankly as well. Well, one of them told me that some customers even asked them to replace their Azuki-flavored whipped cream with usual white whipped cream. Well, Kyoto's Uji Matcha pancakes have Azuki whipped cream instead of general one and I loved that, so I was very surprised to hear that.




You know, as some of you might remember, I had Kyoto-limited Matcha pancakes many times last year. Oh, they've still been offered in Eggs 'n Things Kyoto since they're store-limited ones in the first place. While they were available all over Japan, I tried them three times in different three Eggs 'n Things restaurants located in Kanto region. And I remember Ohana then told me they sold very well there. So, maybe it depends on the location to some extent.


On the other hand, I think what Odaiba's Ohana said must be right in some respects and I guess that's why the matcha pancakes will be only served for a few weeks while the previous seasonal ones lasted more than one month. I have many things to mention, but anyway, I myself like their Uji Matcha Tiramisu PancakesグリーンハートTo tell the truth, I love matcha items especially when they are served with Shiratama, sticky rice balls.



Anyway, congrats on the release of moumoon's "NEWMOON." 新月三日月半月やや欠け月満月