"The lights are so bright  But they never blind me." 
Well, as I told you in "To The Next Stage," which I posted last month, I'm getting busy from this month, and I won't have enough time to update this English blog once a week. Strictly speaking, I'm getting very busy from the middle of this month, and I don't think I have time to write blog posts with deep and long sentences.
But this doesn't mean I'll never ever add new blog posts. Like I said, sometimes they'll be much simpler than the ones I've already posted.



Recently, I've been listening to "Welcome to New York" a lot again.



It's a song witten and sung by Taylor Swift. Out of all of her songs, I like this one the best.音譜 I haven't listened to all of her songs, but I have a feeling that it'll be the best for me. 



And I really like the words of the lyrics I've just quoted at the very begining of this blog post, though the official preview audio video above doesn't play my favorite part.



Well, I mentioned the song for the first time when I added a blog post named "Welcome To Tokyo." 東京タワー




Also, I feel like listening to this song after a long time. I know why.


Though I don't like the princess movie that appears on the music video, I really like the song. I like Anne Hathaway, too, who plays the princess. I totally forgot the song's played in the film. I guess the movie is a series or something, and I remember I first watched it on TV while I stayed in Seattle, U.S. I was a teenager then.
The song "Breakaway" is sung by Kelly Clarkson but is written by Avril Lavigne.
I used to listen to Avril's songs and still have her albums. But, you know what? I didn't know at all that one was written by her when I listened to it for the first time.  
I once had Kelly Clarkson's 1st album though I threw away later. I shouldn't have. I still like the song and downloaded on my smartphone many years ago. From her debut album, I think "Since U Been Gone" is very popular because it's included in one of the Grammy albums and seems familiar to lots of people. It's not my favorite, to be honest.
I'd say many Japanese may not know Kelly Clarkson or her songs at all, while they know Avril Lavigne. But Kelly won Grammy awards several times.
Though I haven't checked her songs for a long time, I like this one, too. This is not included in her 1st album, though.


"A Moment Like This."


I used to listen to the song every autumn. The season is perfect for listening to ballad songs.ヘッドフォン Don't you think so? Some people must dislike ballad songs in the first place, though. I listen to various kinds of music.




The song is covered by Leona Lewis; Leona Lewis's version


I like the original version while I like some of Leona Lewis' songs. I had her 1st album, too. It doesn't include the cover song, just in case. Correct; I bought its import version in Japan when it was first released here, and it didn't have the cover song of "A Moment Like This." But I find its complete version maybe released later only in Japan seems to include the song.




Oh, by the way, Leona Lewis' "I Will Be" is originally sung by Avril Lavigne, haha. "The Best Damn Thing," Avril's 3rd album, has the song, and Leona's debut album includes the cover version. I like both versions, though Leona's one sounds more mature to me.
So, Leona Lewis has covered Kelly's ."A Moment Like This" and Avril's "I Will Be."
Well, go back to Kelly Clarkson's song "Breakaway."
I grew up in a small town, like the song goes, and I always wanted to get out of the place I don't feel like I fit in. I always wanted to get out of the town and go to Tokyo or abroad.飛行機 
I like its lyrics, and sympathize to the song. I completely understand the word "Breakaway" is chosen for the title of the song, as many of you do. It stands perfectly for the lyrics and the theme of the song in just one word, but I've always serched for a better word fitting in my image for the lyrics. I think I prefer "A Big Leap" or "A Big Jump" or "Fly High" or something like that.
"I'll spread my wings, and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway."
Yeah, I don't know where a new stage of my life takes me, but I appreciate my honey's always been supporting and protecting me and I know he hopes I make a big leap like flying to the sky ... flying high up in the sky.
I never forget everything you've done for me, and I return the favor. I love you forever.

I won't say goodbye to my love, haha, but I have to say "goodbye" to my parents because I leave home. I also had to tell many people "goodbye," since I move to the next stage in my life, which the lyrics imply.

"Ever Ever After" by Carrie Underwood.
I love this song, too.ラブラブ結婚指輪
The song is an ending song of "Enchanted." It's a disney movie having both animation scenes and live-action ones. 
アメリカ "Central Park," which is known as a very large park located in New York, appears in the film. When I first watched the DVD, I was in my early 20s, and this made me dream of going to NY someday and visiting the big park. I haven't been to NY yet, actually.
Though I might prefer Hawaii and Seattle to NY among prominent places in the U.S., I'd like to visit NYC someday. And I wanna stop by Laughing Man Coffee, a cafe owned by Hugh Jackman, haha.コーヒー This is one of my dreams, too. I wanna try their popular Flat White, which is produced by Hugh Jackman. I wanna get their goods, too, such as caps, mugs, etc...
Before that, I wanna travel to Hawaii and Singapore. Maybe next year.

I'll definitely come by Eggs 'n Things there. I've always wanted to get various and exclusive items at the retail shop of Eggs 'n Things Hawaii, like caps with the logo, tiny bears containing honey, colorful coin purses and placemats, T-shirts, and so on.

ナイフとフォーク I wanted to have green Pandan pancakes that were offered by Eggs 'n Things Singapore for a limited time. They were only available at Eggs 'n Things and were made with Pandanus, which is green. I read Singapore food and desserts whose colors are green usually use Pandan. Its green color is very different from green pancakes Eggs 'n Things restaurants located in Japan were doing as store-limited items, say, Kyoto's Uji Matcha Pancakes. I hope Eggs 'n Things Singapore starts exclusive Pandan pancakes again.ホットケーキ
From now on, I'm going to learn a lot about Singapore cuisine and the country itself as well as many other things. I promise I'll improve myself.