Hi, guys!



It's high time I posted a blog post, because I decided to update my blog at least once a week, you know. I didn't have time to update my blog this week. Sorry.

It's a desk calendar I use this year. I really enjoy turning over the calendar because each page is very beautiful.  In Japan, maybe Sunday is the beginning of a week, like in the U.S. So I think I should post a blog post by Sunday.




Today is 七夕, or "Tanabata".七夕 In English, it's the Star Festival 星流れ星 


So, I want to write about Tanabata this time. But before that, I need to decorate the bamboo. Also, I want to write some wishes both in Japanese and in English. Well, we write wishes on 短冊, tanzaku. Many Japanese people celebrate Tanabata that way.流れ星




The 1st photo in this blog post shouws pancakes full of colorful stars.星 


They are not Tanabata-themed pancakes or something. They are "Night View Pancakes". I had them in April this year, after each location of Eggs 'n Things started to offer its own original menu. And "Night View Pancakes"are Odaiba location's exclusive pancakes. We can see the original menus on the website of Eggs 'n Things.


I think many people want to have "Night View Pancakes" on July 7th. Tanabata, the Star Festival, always falls on July 7th every year in Japan.七夕



Unfortunately, we can't order "Night View Pancakes" at Eggs 'n Things Odaiba during this month, because now Odaiba location is serving "Hojicha Latte Pancakes" to celebrate its 3rd anniversary. Hojicha is roasted green tea in Enlish. Odaiba's "Hojicha Latte Pancakes" will be available until the end of July, and after that Odaiba restarts "Night View Pancakes" as its exclusive pancakes.


And I hope Odaiba won't remove stars' exclusive pancakes from its original menu until the Star Festival next year, haha. 流れ星




Also, Shonan, Fukuoka and The Park Front Hotel locations offer its own anniversary pancakes. It seems that we can't order usual exclusive pancakes at one Eggs 'n Things location while that location offers its anniversary pancakes.


You know what? I've always wanted to try Eggs Shonan Enoshima's exclusive "Citrus Pancakes", so I thought I will have them when I visit Shonan this summer with one of my best best friends, Akane chan. Actually, we're going to Shonan the week after next. Since Eggs Shonan is now offering "Elima Pancakes" as its anniversary pancakes, we can't order "Citrus Pancakes" during July. So sad.汗


Wait. The Hawaiian word "Elima" means 5, so Shonan is celebrating its 5th anniversary.クラッカー Wow. It's wonderful. Congrats!! So I think I'll have their anniversary pancakes when I have lunch at Eggs Shonan with my friend.


BTW, the small bamboos in the second photo are not the real bamboos. I bought these 6 (4 bamboos and 2 stars) last year at Daiso shop, haha. Oh, Daiso is a famous what we call 100 yen shop.
I rarely go to Daiso this year, but I think Daiso's price tags always have English sentences, and maybe they sometimes have French words? I'm not sure though... Each item at Daiso is 100 yen, but some items are sold for more than 100 yen. When I was young, I thought Daiso was Dasai, which means uncool. Daiso offers most of the items at a very reasonable price, and not all but some of them are really cool. Daiso is nice, I think.  
For example, these Plumeria magnets and wooden pinches... Well, I got them last year at Daiso. They are so cute, and useful too.グッド!



So, I'll write about 七夕 maybe next week.七夕 I'm really sorry that this blog post is much shorter than usual.あせる Also, I want to write about Eggs 'n Things' seasonal menu "In Summer" before this seasonal menu ends on July 31thやしの木



"Pineapple Coconuts Pancakes", which are one of the 4 items on the "In Summer" menuナイフとフォーク I usually go to Eggs Harajuku, Ginza, or Saitama to have their regular or new items.トロピカルカクテル



七夕星July 7th is 七夕, and I say "我愛你" to someone special グリーンハート "我愛你 (Wo Ai Ni)" is Chinese. It means "I love you".


Also, I want to say "Ku'u Aloha no na Kau a Kau" to him. They are Hawaiian words which means "I love you forever"グリーンハーツ I've learned that "I love you" is "Aloha au ia 'oe" in Hawaiian language. ラブラブやしの木


