The Waikiki SPAM JAM this year was held at 4 p.m - 10 p.m. on April 29th in Hawaii.


According to its official site, it is a street festival to celebrate "the people of Hawaii’s love for SPAM®," and it is also "a special event that benefits the Hawaii Food Bank."


Eggs 'n Things Hawaii wrote about it last month. Read their "Spam Jam 2017 :) ."


They wrote about the Spam Jam festival in 2016 and in 2012, too.


Japan is 19 hours ahead of Hawaii. So, it started at 11 a.m. on April 30th, Japan time富士山 That day, I was at Eggs 'n Things restaurant in Japan to eat one of the specials....




I ate this TERIYAKI SPAM Bowl on April 30th. I like avocados and this includes avocados as you can see. But I read that SPAM hot sandwich is very popular among the customers (maybe more popular than this one?).


All the locations of Eggs 'n Things in Japan are serving Spam Jam Special Menu from April 17th till the end of this month. There is only about a week left!


Spam Jam Special Menu offers 5 dishes: SPAM & eggs, TERIYAKI SPAM bowl, SPAM hot sandwich, TERIYAKI SPAM avocado burger and Eggs SPAM sandwich.


Actually, Spam & eggs and Eggs Spam Sandwich are on their Grand Menu, so you can order 2 of 5 after the special menu ends on May 31th. But during this season, there's something special...


When you order off the MEAT & EGGS or OMELETS menu, it is served with your choice of rice, toasted bread or potatoes (you can choose 3 pancakes for an extra 400 yen, instead of these three. Also a whipped cream topping if you pay 300 yen extra). But while they serve the Spam Jam Special Menu, you can choose Spam Musubi instead.


Also if you order one of the specials, you can draw lots and can get a present (while supplies last).



I think BLUE is SPAM's theme color or something? So that's why I wore a blue T-shirt that day.



It's me again! I applied blue eye shadow (and gold one, too)アイシャドウブラシ


OHANA, the staff members of Eggs 'n Things, call this "Aloha pose"! I blinked my eyes when the staff took a picture of me, haha爆  笑 ,but you probably can see the blue eye shadow I wore (one of the female staff members took some pictures and the other photos are fine! Thanks 音譜).




The Spammy charcter is blue, too (see the Spammy plush doll in the first photo). I always called him Spam Kun (Kun is a Japanese word, and I don't know how to explain it in English), but I was wrong. His name is Spammy!


This Eggs Spam Sandwich was originally a limited time offer in January this year, but in April they added it to their grand menu. I'm so happy about that.


Both tasted great. I ate these two in January with one of my best friendsトロピカルカクテル She's a friend from university.


They served "Triple Chocolate Brownie Pancakes" for the Valentine's Day this yearラブラブ (from Jan. 17 to Feb.14).






...And I think I should write about Kyoto location. Each location serves exclusive pancakes (Umeda-Chayamachi location is very different from any other location, though) and I want to write about those exclusive pancakes some other time, including ones that I ate so far. But Kyoto location seems to start new exclusive pancakes on June 1st (next month!)



Now they are serving "Kaoru, Uji Matcha Pancakes", and I hear people love their Kyoto-limited pancakes.


And they start "Ryomi Hirogaru, Uji Matcha Ice Cream Pancakes" next month, as Kyoto-limited pancakes for this summer. Ryomi (涼味) means coolness or a cool taste (maybe), and I guess the phrase "Ryomi Hirogaru," means the Uji Matcha ice cream melts in your mouth and you feel cooler even though it's hot outside especially during the summer風鈴



I've been to Eggs 'n Things Kyoto location before, but I've never had that Kaoru, Uji Matcha Pancake, because the last time I visited Kyoto, they were making efforts to start Kyoto-limited pancakes, and did't start them yet. And they finally started to serve "Kaoru, Uji Matcha Pancakes" in this February (they did a great job!!).



I thought they would offer "Uji Matcha Pancakes" throughout the year, but maybe they won't. Or they might start them again when the same season comes next year.


So, I called the location to ask them about it and they told me that they would like to serve 4 seasonal pancakes, if it is possible. I mean, one special item for each season. And so far, "Uji Matcha Pancakes" are only available until the end of this month! But they also said there is a chance that they will start them again. It depends on many things.


Well, Japan has four seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter (in Japanese, "Shiki", or 四季), and each season has its own charm. Kyoto location wants tourists to enjoy seasonal flavors. There are a lot of people who visit Kyoto, you know, and I'm sure local people will love it, too!



A rainbow I saw last fall when I was visiting Heian Jingu虹神社



They say a rainbow in Hawaii consists of 6 colorsやしの木





Change the subject...


I wrote in American English  (and I'm learning American English), but I like Blue, a British band. Have you ever heard of their songs?


They are good. If you like...oops, sorry! I'll introduce R & B music again! If you like R & B , you should listen to Blue.


One of my favorites is "Gift", and maybe it's a pop song? They covered a Japanese song in English. I like the lyric of this song.