

21日間チャレンジ!クリティカル ブレークスルー テクノロジー(CBT)の伴走者をやりました。魂が震えるほどの感動の21日間でした。


CBTとは、nTechという認識技術を使って、自分のパターンから来る考え 感情 言葉 行動 関係性を変えていくものです。






意識無意識をすべてAll Zero化し、「1」だけしかない世界から認識を出発させるnTech。














All Zero化のパワー、仕組みを行使するパワー、、、それを使えば、人は変われる!またパターンに捕まる時もあるかもしれない。しかしもう安心して捕まればいい、だってもう大自由の空気に触れたのだから。その人はいつでもAll Zero化し、新しい宇宙を仕組み通りに立ち上げればいいのですから。




People can change! you have to.


21 days challenge! I was a companion to Critical Breakthrough Technology (CBT). It was a moving 21 days that shook my soul.


CBT uses a cognitive technology called nTech to change the thoughts, emotions, words, behaviors, and relationships that come from one's own patterns.


It's really hard for people to change.

 Even if it takes a life, people cannot get out of the pattern they made and repeat the same pattern. Since the pattern is unknowingly incorporated, it cannot be stopped even if it is understood.

Nietzsche calls this eternal return, and in Buddhism it is called karma.


NTech that makes all consciousness and unconsciousness all zero and starts recognition from the world where there is only "1".

Just as every mechanism of the universe is a one-pattern repetition, the rise of human consciousness is no exception.


Why can't people change? ... It's simple, because it can't be converted to Zero.


This challenger is a 21-day program using the recognition tool nTech, which is the fruit of Mr. Dodge's strong intention of "I want to change!" And the intentions of the five accompaniments "I want to change!". Morning and evening, I continued to face her suffering perceptions without fail for a day.


At some point I began to feel that Mr. Bun was me. It was clear that all that I had to clear in my life was revealing her projection through her.


I get caught up in my pattern over and over again, my emotions take over, I get hurt, I suffer, and every time I solve Zero, I rebuild. These repeated days.

But the moment she twisted herself to untie the chains tied to her body and became free ... her eyes were full of tears and her heart was full of gratitude, "I'm sorry. And thank you." Was there.


I cried with her all the time. It was like my karma was unraveled in front of me, the rotation of eternal return stopped, and my heart was just filled with the words "I'm sorry" with tears.


The power of All Zero, the power of exercising the mechanism ... If you use it, people will change! There may also be times when you get caught in a pattern. But you can catch it with confidence, because you have already touched the air of great freedom. That person can always make it All Zero and launch a new universe according to the mechanism.


Humans are the creators of the universe. CBT, an intense technology.