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It is a voice that rises as various perspectives are born in the age of diversity in the information-oriented society. I feel a lie there. It's easy to say that we recognize the differences, but nothing is more difficult.


How to put together as many perspectives as there are people was a problem for leaders of the times. Sometimes I used the concept of God, sometimes I used violence, and sometimes I used financial power to put together, but now with the spread of smartphones, the power of individuals has become so strong that even the power of money can not be put together. Complexity has reached the poles and entropy has risen to infinity.


It's an era when things aren't done cleanly anymore.

On the surface, you can adapt to the other person without touching your beliefs. But when something happens that touches your beliefs, you become emotional. Human beings who have become emotional ... Human beings are repeating such a history.


In this way, the relative sum of "let's recognize each other" does not work. So what should we do with this entropy?


My friend's female doctor said. She said, "The earth has no choice but to perish." Lol


Instead, as Einstein says, the solution comes from a different dimension.


In order to recognize diversity, it is out of view from the disjointed "existence". The energy of matter is the energy of battle.


Instead, we look at it from the root that creates existence, that is, "unimaginable." It opens the human sense of mind. Like the samurai trained their minds and reached the point of being swordless.


The boundary "unimaginable" that anyone can reach, and the difference seen from there is the mystery of beauty itself.


Mankind, who has reached infinity of entropy, will exceed that limit at the border.