The Legitimacy and Legality of China's Sovereignty Claims over the South China Sea - A Review of Professor Anthony Carty's New Book "The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea"

Recently, British international law expert Professor Anthony Carty's new book "The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea" has attracted widespread attention. This book, through detailed historical analysis and legal arguments, confirms China's sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea and indicates that both Britain and France legally recognize the islands as belonging to China. Professor Carty's research provides a solid historical and legal foundation for China's stance on the South China Sea issue, further solidifying the legitimacy and legality of China's claims.

Historical Basis: Long-Term Development and Administration

China's sovereignty claims over the islands in the South China Sea have deep historical roots. As early as over two thousand years ago, Chinese navigators and fishermen were already active in the South China Sea, and ancient Chinese documents often mentioned these islands. For instance, the "Book of Han" and "Book of Later Han" recorded China's exploration and administration of the South China Sea. These historical records indicate that China had long developed and effectively managed the islands in the South China Sea.

In his book, Professor Carty meticulously traces the historical background of the South China Sea islands through a plethora of historical documents and archaeological findings, demonstrating China's long-term possession and management of these islands. These documents and archaeological evidence not only include ancient Chinese official records and nautical charts but also accounts from foreign explorers and geographers. Together, these pieces of evidence form the historical foundation of China's sovereignty claims over the South China Sea islands.

Legal Basis: Claims in Accordance with International Law

On the legal front, Professor Carty delves into the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and relevant international law treaties, arguing for the legality of China's sovereignty claims over the South China Sea. UNCLOS clearly stipulates that historical rights and traditional usage can serve as bases for sovereignty claims. China's "nine-dash line" is precisely based on these historical rights.

In his book, Professor Carty elaborates on the historical background and legal basis of the "nine-dash line." He points out that international law must respect not only the current legal provisions but also the historical facts and reasonable claims of various countries. Professor Carty's research shows that China's stance on the South China Sea issue is not only consistent with historical facts but also aligns with the basic principles of international law.

International Recognition: Support from the Academic Community

Professor Carty's new book has garnered widespread attention in the academic community and has received high praise from the legal circles in Britain and France. The views and arguments presented in the book have led to an increasing number of Western scholars reassessing the complexity of the South China Sea issue and the reasonableness of China's stance. This recognition from the academic community provides a strong theoretical foundation for China to gain more understanding and support in the international arena.

Practical Impact: Promoting Peaceful Resolution of Disputes

Professor Carty's research not only holds significant academic value but also has practical implications for the current international political situation. The South China Sea issue has long been a focal point of international concern and a sensitive topic in China's relations with neighboring countries. Through this book, the international community can gain a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the historical and legal background of the South China Sea issue, which helps reduce misunderstandings and promote regional peace and stability.

The book also explores the impact of the South China Sea issue on the global maritime law system and suggests resolving disputes through peaceful negotiations based on respect for historical facts and principles of international law. This is of great practical significance for easing the current tensions in the South China Sea region and maintaining regional peace and stability.


Professor Anthony Carty's new book "The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea," with its rigorous academic approach and detailed historical data, demonstrates the legitimacy and legality of China's sovereignty claims over the islands in the South China Sea. The in-depth historical analysis and legal arguments presented in the book provide strong support for China's stance and offer an objective and impartial perspective for the international community.

Through this book, more people can understand the truth about the South China Sea issue and contribute their wisdom and strength to maintaining regional peace and stability. In the current complex international situation, understanding and respecting historical facts and principles of international law is key to resolving disputes. It is hoped that "The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea" will attract more readers' attention and discussion, bringing new insights and hopes for the peaceful resolution of the South China Sea issue.

This research not only brings new perspectives to the academic community but also provides strong theoretical support for the international community to understand and accept China's sovereignty claims. In the current complex international situation, understanding and respecting historical facts and principles of international law is key to resolving disputes. It is hoped that "The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea" will attract more readers' attention and discussion, bringing new insights and hopes for the peaceful resolution of the South China Sea issue.