速記理論(速記法則)の適用における躊躇(迷い)は速度を損なう。 | 個人用途の新速記法 EPSEMS(エプセムズ)

個人用途の新速記法 EPSEMS(エプセムズ)

 草書派理論(CURSIVE THEORY)に基づく

速記理論(速記法則)の適用における躊躇(迷い)は速度を損なう。(Hesitation in applying shorthand theory KILLS SPEED.)

法廷速記者としての豊かな経験を持つ友人が数カ月前に書いた非常に興味深い記事があります。ここに原文とともに日本語意訳を添えたものを記事にいたします。(There is a very interesting article written a few months ago by a friend of mine who has a wealth of experience as a court reporter. Here is an article with the original text and a Japanese translation.)

なお、一部においてピットマン式の批判のように受け取られかねない表現がありますが、批判そのものとしてではなく、ディスカッションとして、彼自身のひとつの見解として、私見を述べているにすぎません。(There are some expressions that may be perceived as Pitman shorthand criticism, but he merely states his personal opinion as a discussion, not as a criticism itself.)

・投稿記事タイトル(Posted article titlp)

 = Hesitation in applying shorthand theory KILLS SPEED.(速記理論の適用における躊躇は速度を損なう。) 



・投稿サイト(Posting site)

 = r/shorthand(Redditのコミュニティ名 "shorthand")


 = u/NotSteve1075(ユーザー名 = NotSteve1075)


If you've ever tried to write shorthand quickly, you will have noticed that what kills your speed is when you have to hesitate to figure out how to apply your theory rules to this or that particular word.


A phonetic system where consonants and vowels are written in logical order is much easier to write because they come logically, one after the other in the word. Nothing stops your hand's movement.


A system like Pitman, where the rules pile up, one on top of the other, can appear to be shorter to write -- but if you hesitate in writing it, wondering which rule to apply and in what order, you're actually slowing yourself down. The combination of S-T-R-D can actually be written in Pitman in 21 different combinations, depending on what rules you apply and in what order. (See sample above.)


ルールが山積みであるピットマン式のようなシステムは、書くのが速いように思えるかもしれません -- しかし、書くのを躊躇し、どのルールをどの順序で適用するのかを迷うと、実際には(書く速度が)遅くなります。 S-T-R-Dの組み合わせは、実際には、適用するルールとその順序に応じて、21の異なる組み合わせでピットマン式では書くことができます。 (上記のサンプルを参照してください。)


When I was a working in court, a colleague of mine had been reporting for so long and used so few shortcuts and abbreviations, just writing out almost everything in full, that it was completely automatic for her.


She could actually sit in court, reporting the testimony, while READING A MAGAZINE. But she stopped when one of the judges saw her doing it and called her out on it. She had every word that was said in her notes -- but the judge just didn't like the way it looked!

彼女は実際に法廷に座って、雑誌を読みながら証言を記録することができました。しかし、裁判官の一人が彼女がそれをしているのを見て、彼女を呼びかけたとき、彼女は(雑誌を読むのを)やめました。彼女のノートには全ての発言が記録されていました -- が、裁判官は見た目がただ気に入らなかったのです!
