New Year's Eve | Black Swan - 国際人養成所

Black Swan - 国際人養成所


みんなと同じ生き方に飽きてるなら、Black Swanに突然変異して一緒に世界を飛び回りませんか?


Only one day is left for the year of 2009.

Looking back at this year, 2009 has become an unforgettable one for me.

I started to blog last January and it's almost been an year since then. Hard to believe I can continue something for such a long time!

As much as I enjoyed writing my own articles, I found exchanging comments and messages with other blogger friends to be extremely amusing.
To my surprise, my English has improved quite a lot since I started writing my blog.

And this year, I finally found someone I can call my "soul mate". We have so much in common and it seems like we've known each other in another life, though I don't believe in another life. lol

In fact, today is not merely a New Year's Eve for my family.
December 31 is my son's birthday and he became 10 today!
We'll be celebrating it with birthday cakes and presents, followed by year-crossing noodle this evening and New Year's gift of money tomorrow morning. Gonna be pretty hectic, but I'm glad we have another good reason to have fun!

Here's an easy arithmatics. This is 2009 and he's 10 years old now.
Just count back the years and you'll notice. Yes, he was born on the last day of the last millennium, i.e. December 31, 1999!!!
He was 6 hours shy of super-millennium birth, but the last birthday of the millennium is still memorable in its own right, isn't it?

Well, looks like the birthday cakes are ready and I gotta run.

I thank you all for reading my blog this year, and promise I'll make it more meaningful, educative, interesting, ridiculous and obscene in 2010!

Hope you have a Happy New Year!

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