20170527/28 Motor City Drum Ensemble @ TAICOCLUB | CAHIER DE CHOCOLAT

20170527/28 Motor City Drum Ensemble @ TAICOCLUB

When someone asks me "How was it?",
I would answer "I was happiest ever".

I tried to write about this many times, but I failed. Probably it was so bright, vivid, and dazzling that I couldn't see it well when I looked back soon after that.

"It was beyond my description."

To say so, it is easy. But I don't want to do that now. So I am going to write with my poor vocabulary.

This is not a report. This is just a record to tell how I felt and what I thought on one weekend in the end of May, and for me not to forget the happiest time. If I write it here, I can come back here and remember that moment anytime. This would encourage me, comfort me and save me.

It was one and a half years ago that I knew about him. I watched a short movie, "Between The Beats: Motor City Drum Ensemble". It was very touching. And to me, it was surprising. Because I liked his music, way of thinking, looks, voice, taste in fashion...everything, literally. I started to listen to his music. His releases, DJ sets, mixes and readio shows. Digging them was like a treasure hunting. It was so fun and exciting. Also, I read his interviews on the Internet. There were hardly detailed information or interviews of him in Japanese, so most of all I read were what was written in English, and some were in German (Thanks, Google translator).

And then, I started to translate those articles into Japanese and put them on my blog. It is just for fun, for me. I thought that it would be nice if someone who read them tried to listen to his music and liked it. But basically, I am happy to do so. That's all.

While doing like this, I had been looking forward to his visit to Japan without any particular expectation. I understand that Japan is so far from Europe and it depends on his condition and (busy) schedule. I don't want him to do something hard. So I was thinking that it might happen far in the future, or might not happen. I thought a little about going to night clubs somewhere in Europe as a part of a travel someday. It was likely to be a faster way to listen to his DJ play.

On the contrary to my thought, however, he came to Japan before I went to Europe. The news was out of the blue to me. When I heard it, I was so surprised and confused for a while. I couldn't believe it. When the ticket arrived, there was no reality yet.

Without reality, the day came. Honestly, going to the camp site in the mountains alone, it was rather tough for me. I had never been to such places except school camps. In addition, it was my first time going to the music festival.

For the last few months, things around me have not been so good, and my condition (in various kinds of meanings) has not been good, either. Even so, I couldn't cancel to go. Almost like something made me to go. Now I really appreciate the "something".

It took long time to get to the venue. An express train was taking me to somewhere I didn't know. I didn't know where I was. Many people got on the train and got off the train. It was their daily life. Only I seemed to be a stranger and sitting a little uncomfortably.

Suddenly, the train stopped. An announcement said that it collided with a deer and it would take for a while to start again. I was worried. I need to transfer. I may miss the last local train to go to the nearest station to the venue. I may not be able to catch the last shuttle bus. If I miss it, I should call a taxi. I checked on my phone how long it would take and how much it would cost. It was not so much as I expected. Anyway, even if I can't catch a train or a bus, I won't be able to go back any more. I have no other options. When I thought so, I was slightly relieved (or just stopped thinking). I waited on the train seat seeing outside through the window.

30 minutes later, the train started again. I could get on the local train waiting at the transfer station. When I arrive at the nearest station, I saw the bus waiting for us as if nothing had happened. As if the light of the opened door welcomed us.

Spending 15 minutes or so in the bus, I finally reached the "goal". While I was walking in the dark, I remembered the feeling when I was a child. It reminded me a school excursion or something like that. Walking on the mountain road. Smelling green glass. When I looked up, so many stars could be seen in the sky. I took a deep breath. Music sounded somewhere far away and it got closer gradually.

When I got to the site, I saw a lot of lights. There were many stalls and many people. It was so bright. I thought it was like New Year's Eve. No one tells me to go to bed now. I am allowed to stay up as late as I want to. It was full of happy feelings and exciting expectations.

Yet, I was tired and still not in a good condition. This made me sad. On such a lovely night, I can't enjoy fully. I remembered I was hungry. I went to the diner and had hot soft noodle, also took some painkillers. And then, I drank a (plastic) glass of Gin and Lime. I like drinking, actually, but I couldn't be drunk at all. Gin and Lime with some ice made me cold. I drank two glasses, and gave up and stopped.

After a while, Daphni started playing. When I heard the music, my body moved and I felt much better. Dancing warmed me a little. I was not tired and sad any more.

Then, around the end of Shed's play, Danilo appeared on the stage walking on the stoop to check the record players (probably). I couldn't believe it was happening right in front of my eyes. Maybe he wore some items I had seen somewhere in photos or videos before. His coat was the one I had not seen. It was so cool. I appreciated it was outside and cold.

While I was thinking such things, his play started. Soon everything bad in me had gone away and something sparked in me. It didn't take even a few minutes.

How fun! How happy! I have never experienced such a happy moment! Nothing but happiness!

I felt happiness from bottom of my heart. I was glad that I didn't give up coming. On the way to come, I was feeling like something led me. I was tired, sleepy, depressed... I could stop anytime if I wanted to do so. But I couldn't. This might sound ridiculous though, I am totally serious.

After a few minutes, a stole was not necessary for me. And then, I didn't need a nylon jacket, either. The sky was getting light. Sweet songs are being played. Bubbles are flying from somewhere and floating in front of the stage. Everyone there is happy, only happy. Is this a dream? Everything is too good, too beautiful. I thought I might have already died.

I knew some of the songs he played, but most of them I didn't (as usual). Still, my body was moving and moving spontaneously. It was too happy to sit still. I wanted keep dancing to his music like a girl wearing red shoes. I watched him playing in the videos countless times. But now, not in the video, he is there, in front of us, and I can see his every action. And I can dance along with his timing together. What a happy thing!

He was watching the crowd very carefully. He read and felt our feelings. His feelings also seemed to be reflected in his play. I could believe he was happy, too (I hope so).

I was dancing and hopping all through his set for more than two hours. I was not tired at all. Rather I got refreshed and fine. Very fine. His music filled me with something nice. He released me from daily stressful and sad feelings. Even now, the memory makes me smile. Happiness is still continuing.

I really appreciate him and his music. I think music can save people, at least, I was saved. At the same time, "Music is addictive", as he said. "There's no way out". That's fine. I'd love to wander in the music wonderland, with pleasure.

Thank you so much, Danilo. I had a really really good time. I look forward to seeing you again. "See you next year?" I said ,"Yes", but of course if it is sooner, I will be happier!