Nothing compares


作曲 AKIRA / 久保田真悟(Jazzin'park)

編曲 久保田真悟(Jazzin'park)


King & Prince

平野紫耀 永瀬廉 髙橋海人

岸優太 神宮寺勇太



Oh baby, when I think of you 
I feel some fractions of your love 
In the air, in my phone, in each and every song 

If you can not be next to me
I don't even know how to walk 
I'm like a child 
I want a file of every moment of your life 


I'm standing RJ

right here all alone singin' along a song
Making me 

certain that you are irreplaceable
Hey, can I call you tonight?

Without you baby, there's no oxygen all
And without you, 

there's no water to quench my thirst
In the rain or in the sun, stay by my side
You give me everything
Nothing compares to you, girl

Oh baby, when I dream of you
I feel I'm floating in the clouds
Fluffy mood, comfortable, each and every night

Sometimes you never show up 
And you keep me hanging in the air
I'm such a fool, I know I am
In every moment of my life

I'm sitting KS

right here next to you starin' at your eyes
You make me 

feel that you're the only one essential
Give it a try, pinch me now

Without you baby, there's no oxygen all
And without you, 

there's no water to quench my thirst
In the rain or in the sun, stay by my side
You give me everything
Nothing compares to you, girl


Baby, I don't need a whole lot
Kissing you

just makes me feel like I'm in a whole new world
I just need someone to love

And I know it must be you
Yes, you girl Oh

Without you baby, there's no oxygen 
And without you, 

there's no water to quench my thirst
In the rain or in the sun, stay by my side
You give me everything
Nothing compares to you, girl

Nothing compares to you, girl


